I love being wild and free

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Aiden's: POV

We came to a glade and lights shone in pink and green. Loud music was heard from the radio. I love being wild and free. I smiled when I saw Elizabeth walking up to me.

"I'm surprise to see you here." said Elizabeth with a smirk on her face. "I like when you smirk, it's tempting." I replied and gave her a kiss. I went up to a man with a smirk on my lips. I kissed him before I drank his blood. His head fell off and he fell dead to the ground. I wiped away the blood and smiled evilly.

"Being evil is so fun." said Elizabeth. "Hell yeah." I replied. "Someone doesn't want to be here anymore." she whispered. I saw a mam who walked out of the party. "Excuse me." I said and walked up to him. "No one is allowed to leave." I said strictly. "I'm tired of this party now." replied the guy. "What a pity." I said and drained his body of blood.


Olivia's: POV

Me and Elliot arrived to the forest. "I hope Adam isn't here, I can't picture him being at a rave." I said. "I'm sure he's not here." replied Elliot calmly. Then we heard screams from a glade. We run there and gasped. On the ground lay dead bodies. I was close to puke. I followed another sound and my heart was pounding with fear. I went into a glade and my face turned pale.

A young boy was leaning against a tree and there was no life left in him. I took a step back and stepped on a branch. Adam turned around and blood was dripping from his lips. "Hi mom." he said.

Olivia thought Aiden was Adam

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Olivia thought Aiden was Adam

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