I've a family

11 3 15

Adam's: POV

I was on my way home to mom, but I felt watched. But I couldn't see anyone. I got a worried feeling in my body.

"Hello?" I called. Someone stuck me with a syringe filled with vervain. I fell down on the ground. I woke up an hour later and looked confused around. "Where am I?" I asked.

"You're in a basement." said a man. "Aiden." I replied shocked. "I understand you have a weakness for vervain." he said and burned me. I screamed out my pain. But he didn't care.


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He tore off my necklace and opened the window. The sun burned me and I screamed again. Tears were streaming down. After being tortured for several hours I could barely move

"Please, I beg you, I've a family." I said and tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Mercy won't help you now." replied Aiden and went out. "Please, don't." I said. "You stole Jack from me. I'll get him back and you can't stop me." he replied and locked the door and went away. I fell down on the ground, I was in so much pain. I started singing a song and a tear was rolling down my cheek.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow. A bed of grass, a soft green pillow. Lay down your head and close your eyes. And when they open, the sun will rise. Here it's safe. Here it's warm, here the daisies guard you from every harm.

I feel for Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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