1- Rescue

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"When is your next client due?" Hoseok asked lazily. He was stretched out on your bed, playing with his fluffy brown ears. Your tail swished against the bedspread.

"You'll have to leave soon. He's supposed to be here in a half hour but I'll have to get ready first." You curled up next to him, snuggling into his warmth for the remaining few minutes you had to yourselves.

"Did he have any weird requests?" The goldendoodle hybrid scratched behind your pointed ears. You groaned.

"White lingerie. You know what kind of man asks for white lingerie? No one good!" Hoseok laughed loudly. You grumbled as he moved and ruined your perfect pillow.

"Anyone who comes to an illegal hybrid brothel is going to be bad news!"

"Yeah, but at least the ones who ask for leather aren't trying to hide anything!" Your door opened unexpectedly and an unknown man entered your room. Your client was here early and you weren't ready! You and Hobi scrambled to your feet and bowed your heads out of respect to the newcomer.

"Please have a seat sir," You gestured to a chair, "My colleague will get you a drink while I finish getting ready." You made your voice as sickly sweet as you could, your face as innocent as you could. Maybe that way you wouldn't be punished.

"Oh no! I'm not here for that!" The young man waved his hands in front of his face. Every move he made, filled the room with the scent of eucalyptus and lavender, it was an interesting combination. His scent pricked at your nose and some dormant part of you began stretching its long limbs.

You quickly looked him up and down. Dark jeans, timberlands, black t-shirt, nothing too expensive, nothing that screamed money like the normal clients. He was young, in his mid twenties. One arm was covered in tattoos. There were multiple piercings in his ears, one in his lip. His ebony hair was long and unkempt in a way that was meant to be stylish. His large dark eyes were sparkling with humor.

He never closed the door and now you could hear movement and shouts outside in the hallways. The sense of security his scent created was now replaced by fear and self preservation.

"What are you here for then?" You stepped in front of Hoseok protectively. If he wasn't a client, he was a threat.

"My name is Jungkook, I'm from Hybrid Control. We've come to rescue you!"

"He's not that bad looking," Hoseok murmured in your ear and you glared at him sideways. He was teasing you and you knew it. In less than an hour, Jungkook and his team had accomplished just what he said he would. They had the owners and other staff in handcuffs. Some sitting on the ground in between Hybrid Control officers, some already in secured vehicles.

Since he escorted you out, you had been unabashedly watching Jungkook with a growing curiosity. He wasn't bad looking, now that you knew he wasn't a client you allowed yourself to admit that he was a very good looking man. Your chest fluttered as you watched him guide and direct his fellow officers. You liked the way it felt and detested it at the same time.

All the rescued hybrids had been given blankets to wrap around their shoulders like they had just been saved from a burning building and needed comfort. The notion seemed stupid to you. It was hot outside, the start of summer, you weren't wrapping a blanket around your shoulders.

There were about 20 of you, male and female hybrids. All different kinds. Lots of bunnies, cats and dogs, but a couple of exotic hybrids too. You felt bad for the bunny and exotic hybrids. You got some weird clients, but they got the weirdest ones. They were the ones that looked the most dejected right now, as if they had been able to keep up a front all this time and now that they were free, they couldn't muster the energy to even hold their heads up. You sighed and looked away from them, eyes searching the crowd again for Jungkook.

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