5- Pent Up

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Hoseok had told you to give things time and you would like them, that was true. The next few days, a haphazard routine started to take shape. You and Hoseok went to the day program everyday, then Jungkook brought you home.

That was a word you tried not to use, because technically it wasn't your home. Jungkook didn't own you and wasn't even officially fostering you. You were forcing yourself to be on your best behavior, especially while Yoongi was around. You would fit yourself into whatever mold they wanted as long as they kept you. You did not want to go to that shelter.

On your second day, Jungkook gave you a tour of the shelter. Everything was clean and orderly, every hybrid packed neatly in a box. Well they were actually rooms with a bed and even a desk, with their own private bathroom, but each room had a large window facing the hallway. It was probably for adopters to look in and view the hybrids, but it felt invasive to you.

You didn't like the idea of someone determining your potential by looking through a glass window into your room. Also, where did you go if you wanted to have sex? Jungkook said that they provided heat suppressors to everyone, which said they discouraged it without outright saying it. Hoseok asked what they did for packs and Jungkook had blushed all shades of delicious pink as he described the exceptions. They didn't separate packs at least, but they did separate everyone else.

You and Hoseok hadn't marked each other, you weren't a pack. You couldn't imagine being in a room by yourself knowing that Hoseok was just a few doors down. So you were determined to avoid it at all costs.

Another part of your routine was to help Yoongi with dinner every night, but you weren't sure how this became part of your routine. Maybe out of a sense of duty? You wanted Yoongi to find you helpful and worth keeping around. Plus you didn't mind it.

"Will you wash these for me, kitten?" Yoongi began handing you vegetables as he pulled them out of the fridge. As you washed the vegetables, he worked on the meat. That's how it had gone every night for the past few days, you were in charge of vegetables and smaller tasks like rice or cooking noodles or something like that, Yoongi was always in charge of the meat.

"Are you going to teach me how to cook meat too?" You asked. He looked up at you, his fingers covered in marinade.

"You want to learn?"

"Yeah, maybe..." You shrugged and went back to cutting vegetables.

"All I'm doing is putting it in a marinade right now. You could marinate meat overnight, but we're just going to marinate it for 20 minutes or so." Yoongi began teaching and you swallowed hard. The way he immediately followed through on your request felt like he was reaching through your chest to poke at your sensitive organs.

Yoongi wasn't what you had first expected. He was attentive to you and Hoseok, and absolutely overflowing with love for Jungkook, if you were looking for it. He wasn't vocal about it, but he was constantly assessing Jungkook's needs and anticipating them.

Maybe they were the perfect pair then because Jungkook was overly affectionate with Yoongi and was constantly asking for physical affection. Sometimes that extended to you and Hoseok. He scratched at your ears and asked to pet your tail. It had you scratching at the walls because everything felt so perfect and precarious at the same time.

Hoseok's and Jungkook's laughter broke your concentration. They were together in the living room. They were supposedly exercising together with Jungkook's at home equipment, but there was frequent laughter that made you doubt how dedicated they were to the task.

"Y/N, can I ask you a question?" Yoongi was washing his hands clean of the meat. You felt your body tighten in anticipation.

"Yes." It came out stiff, but Yoongi either couldn't tell or didn't want to acknowledge it. You suspected it was the latter.

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