6- Whipped Cream

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"Good morning Kook!" Yoongi watched the little cat hybrid skip up to his boyfriend as he made breakfast. The past few days she has been pining after Jungkook. It made Jungkook jumpy and guilty at first, but now he knew that Yoongi wasn't upset by it, he was melting into it. Physical affection came so naturally to Jungkook but he struggled with it himself. Yoongi sighed as Jungkook scratched behind her ears and she openly purred. She used to hide her purrs, but she didn't anymore.

From the moment Yoongi saw her, he had started growing attached to her. She was putting on a front most of the time but her eyes were fierce and haunted when no one was looking. He related to that feeling. She had striking features, similar to most cat hybrids and long dark hair that seems to constantly annoy her. She hissed when it got in the way, if it wasn't already up in a random rubber band she found. He wondered vaguely if she would like a haircut.

"Morning Jungkook, morning Yoongi," Hoseok emphasized his name and flicked her sensitive ear. She grumbled and rubbed her ear. Their relationship still puzzled him, especially after what he heard last night. Hoseok sat down at the counter and started filling his plate with pancakes.

"Morning Yoongi," She said with a chastened smile and sat down beside Hoseok. She still seemed weary around him and it made Yoongi want to groan in frustration, but he had been working with rescued hybrids for years and he knew better than to expect something different. At least they were spending time together every night cooking and she seemed to enjoy learning about it.

When she let her guard down, he could tell she was the no nonsense type just like him. She was smart, observant, and Yoongi had to admit to himself, she was very beautiful.

Hoseok was almost the opposite of her in every aspect, except his beauty. He was a ball of positive energy, like a lot of dog hybrids. If he wasn't talking, he was probably laughing. Right now, Hoseok and Jungkook were laughing together.

Yoongi was a music enthusiast and he liked to believe that he had a discerning taste. Jungkook's voice and laugh were the best sounds in the world, better than anything any instrument could create.

Like Hoseok, Jungkook was one of those types of people that trailed energy behind them, kicking up golden dust like a speeding star. Jungkook came up to him and leaned into his lips affectionately. When Jungkook broke away a moment later, he hummed in satisfaction, dark eyes bright with an internal fire that never went out despite his struggles.

"I'm not going to the office today," Jungkook informed Yoongi, scooping up some whipped cream from the bowl and putting it on the tip of Yoongi's nose, Yoongi made a face as his boyfriend laughed. He was about to wipe it off when Jungkook cupped his face. His boyfriend's tongue swirled around the tip of his nose, collecting the sweet cream. Then he hummed in satisfaction.

Maybe Yoongi should have entertained Jungkook's desire for shower sex this morning, this boy was obviously horny. He shook his head and focused on cleaning the kitchen.

Jungkook had been taking Y/N and Hoseok with him to Hybrid Control. They had a daycare of sorts for hybrids. The day programs were available to employees like Jungkook who didn't want to leave their hybrids alone all day and for volunteers who were fostering hybrids for Hybrid Control so the fosters could still have interactions with other hybrids and the humans who fostered them could still maintain a work schedule without worrying about them during the day.

Jungkook gathered some more cream on his finger and made eye contact with Yoongi. He swirled his tongue suggestively around his finger, smirking knowingly at Yoongi.

"We have a raid this morning and it's a bit of a distance, so we're meeting at a different center," Jungkook continued as if he hadn't made Yoongi's dick start to swell. This boy just didn't know when to stop teasing.

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