39- Tinged Pink

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"I leave for twenty minutes and look what happens!" You looked up and there was Jungkook, standing in the doorway with his hands on his hips. To your disappointment, he was wearing a pair of boxers, but the rest of his body served to fuel your lust and you clenched hard around Yoongi.

"Uh fuck you're getting so tight!" Yoongi groaned, "I think you're turning her on Kook!" You whimpered as Yoongi slowed his thrusts again, putting a stop to the momentum of your orgasm. You slumped into the bed in defeated frustration.

"Please! I just want to cum!"

"Up, Y/N!" Yoongi commanded, ignoring your pleas completely by stilling his movements, holding your hips firmly against his. You were whimpering like a fucking puppy as you pushed up on your hands, then Yoongi grabbed your upper arms and yanked you vertical against him.

"Your heat is making you feisty, kitten!" He murmured into your ear and then thrust hard, as punishment no doubt. You gasped and fought against the urge to close your eyes as Jungkook started climbing on the bed in front of you.

"He's right, you have been very naughty!" Jungkook chided as he surveyed your body with a lustful look, "You were trying to strip in public and trying to make me touch you as we drove home!" Jungkook pulled at your bottom lip with his thumb, then licked slowly at his own lips.

You blushed as memories hazy memories started coming back. Jungkook's curious fingers began exploring your body as he kissed you. Your whole body was his to play with, Yoongi still had you pinned in place against him as he thrust into you.

"Please touch me, Jungkook, please!" He continued kissing you, letting his hand feel its way down your body until it found your soaking heat between your legs.

"Fuck!" You cried out as Jungkook pressed his fingers against your clit. His cheeky grin as he applied pressure in a circular motion was killing you. Yoongi let go of your arms and you grabbed onto Jungkook for support. Yoongi grabbed your hips and used his hold on you as leverage to thrust harder.

Jungkook's scent was in your nose, calming your rampant lust and you let yourself get lost in the moment. It was pure bliss! You let yourself feel every ounce of mounting pleasure, your muscles were swelling with it like sagging water balloons about to pop. You wanted to fight it as long as you could, let every nerve get saturated.

"I'm going to cum!" You whimpered into Jungkook's skin. Yoongi pulled out again, but before you could hiss your frustrations, he was pulling you away from Jungkook and pushing you down on the bed, shoving his cock back in you the moment you hit the sheets. He laced his fingers with yours and pinned your hands above your head.

He held your gaze, his eyes were dark and hungry, devouring your moans. You knew without being told that he wanted you to hold his gaze until you came. You were frantic to cum again without the calming influence of Jungkook's scent. You were right there, every thrust of his cock was like a physical push towards it. Then you were falling into it. Your eyes went wide as the swelling balloon took on too much and then popped.

Your saturated nerves all burst, flooding every inch of your body with the pleasure you had been storing. Your toes curled, your body shook, your fingers dug into Yoongi's hands that still had them pinned to the bed. Your whimpered cries made Yoongi groan.

"Hmmm fuck!" His hips stuttered and he dropped his forehead to yours. You moaned as you felt his orgasm filling you up. You didn't know if it was your heat talking, but damn! It felt so good to be stuffed full of his release.

Neither of you moved for several moments. You closed your eyes as the sensations in your body started to settle. At the same time, the emotions started to rise, nothing overwhelming, but something beautiful was stirring deep inside of you. Tears leaked out of the corners of your eyes.

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