37- Holy Shit...

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"I had Jin stock us up on some snacks and your favorite soda too," Hoseok pointed to the array of snacks on the counter, "Let me show you the rest of the apartment." He took your hand and led you from room to room.

"A gaming room?" You asked peeking in one room. Three desks were set up and you could tell immediately who's was who's. Jin's had pink accents and little plushies set up around the monitor. Hoseok's was a mess of colors and figurines. Taehyung's was elegant and simple, all neutral tones.

"They're big gamers and they've gotten me into it," Hoseok explained with a big smile, "And this is our bedroom!" Hoseok opened the next door. Jungkook's and Yoongi's bedroom was very neutral, to the point that you couldn't tell the personality of the occupants just by looking.

The same was not the case for Hoseok's bedroom. There were knick knacks and shelves full of different things like framed tickets from events, souvenirs from trips, and random cute items. That was a good word for their room, cute.

"Look at this!" Hoseok picked up a frame and held it up. It was a younger Hoseok and Seokjin. Jin was in what you assumed was a graduation robe and Hoseok was wrapped around his side. They both looked so happy, "We took this picture at his high school graduation." Hoseok flipped the frame to face him and he rubbed his thumb over their faces.

"His mom sold me a couple days later," Hoseok shrugged and put the frame on the shelf. He said it so casually, but you felt your heart restricting painfully.

"Hobi..." You trailed off unsure what to say. You had never been taken away from something good, so you couldn't relate. While you didn't like the breeding facility or the brothel at all, they were both far better than where you were before. Being at the brothel felt like a relief. But you imagined being taken away now and being sent back, the idea was too painful to entertain.

"I brought the mood down!" He said with an apologetic grin, "How about we order some food and we talk about that hickey?" You thought about what happened with Yoongi yesterday and smirked.

"Oh I got something better than a hickey to tell you about!"

You let Hoseok order for the both of you. You wanted to try something new, but didn't want to choose so you handed the reins over to him. He ordered online from a favorite restaurant of theirs.

"You ordered way too much!" He began unpacking styrofoam boxes full of food onto the coffee table as you sat on the couch next to it. He dismissed your comment with a jovial wave of his hand.

"You need to try all of these!" He urged, "Besides, we can eat the leftovers tomorrow. Now tell me about your sexy boyfriends!"

There was a lot to tell, starting with Jungkook's advances on Saturday, the teasing back and forth during the week, and Yoongi yesterday.

"Jungkook seems hellbent on getting into your pants and you still came here," Hoseok shook his head and stuck out his bottom lip, "That's true devotion!"

"I don't think devotion is the right word, Jungkook got home right before I was about to leave so it was too late to cancel!"

"Why do you insist on wounding my ego?" You snorted as you took another bite of food, food didn't often make you moan, but you did now.

"This is so good!" You said jabbing your finger at the plastic container you just ate from.

"I see you deflecting!" He glared at you, "Let's go back to talking about your boyfriends! So how did things end with Yoongi? Any skin to skin action?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. The smile slid from your face and into your lap as a thick and sticky mess.

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