17- Tipping Boat

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You thought you would hate this more. You were yet again in Jimin and Namjoon's backyard for a get together. Apparently Jungkook's cousin was part of their friend group and he just returned home with his hybrid boyfriend from Japan.

Now that Hoseok was sober and rested, there was no trace of his night time distress, but you were sticking to him like glue, on high alert for it. You were also watching Jimin to make sure he didn't give Hoseok any alcohol. You didn't want Hoseok drunk if it made him sad.

But Jimin didn't offer, didn't even tease you with it. You had a feeling that was Jungkook or Yoongi's doing.

"Y/N, honey, why don't you come to any of my classes?" Jimin asked with a pout. It wasn't the first time he had asked.

"I can't dance," You scoffed and Hoseok chuckled next to you. The three of you were on the patio together, Yoongi and Namjoon were somewhere on the lawn together, and Jungkook was inside waiting to let in the last two guests when they arrived.

"You always use that as an excuse! But I could teach you!" Jimin reached for your hand and you gave him a high five instead. He laughed happily. Now that you were familiar with them, you found them fascinating. They were an interesting pair. Jimin was sassy and flirty, Namjoon was charming and smart.

Jimin knew how to work a room and you loved watching him. The way he subtly commanded the attention of those around him, it was good natured and didn't always serve himself. You wanted to learn from him, you wanted his confidence.

Your ears flicked as you heard new voices in the kitchen and turned to see Jungkook lead the two newcomers out. Your natural instinct was to go on high alert and you quickly scanned them. One of them was a dog hybrid, you weren't sure what kind, but his ears were fluffy and folded down so maybe a golden retriever. His golden ears flicked happily on his similar colored hair. He had a huge smile that was full of so much genuine joy you wonder if he was a copy of Hoseok.

The dog hybrid's hand was in a human's. He was tall with broad shoulders, dark neatly styled hair, and he was simply but elegantly dressed. He had soft features that were wrinkled by a hopeful anxiety.

"Hoseok?" The stranger asked and Hoseok turned to the sound of his name. You watched as the huge grin on your friend's face turned into one of complete shock and then he started crying.


Hoseok and this new human moved into the kitchen and shut the door so you couldn't hear what was being said. Who was this Seokjin guy and how did Hoseok know him?

"Hi Y/N! I'm Taehyung!" He took your hand and shook it. You resisted the urge to pull it back immediately. Though you didn't like unsolicited physical contact, this dog hybrid was too open and genuine to be weary of. 

"Tell us all about Japan, Taehyung," Jimin took control of the conversation, steering it away from whatever was going on inside.

You looked through the kitchen window at Hoseok. You couldn't see him very well, but he didn't appear to be in distress. You felt a growing sense of unease, who was Seokjin? How did he know Hoseok? And he knew Jungkook, Seokjin knew Jungkook. Why wasn't anyone else questioning the situation?

You sighed and looked around the yard. Yoongi and Namjoon had two lawn chairs set up in the shade and they were talking. That seemed more your speed. You left the loud, enthusiastic trio to go to Yoongi.

"Hey kitten," Yoongi greeted with a genuine smile and your ears perked up at his tone. You sat on the grass by his legs so you could face the door and watch Hoseok. You had a better view of him here too. 

You wanted to ask Yoongi what was going on, but you were too scared, your cheeks felt heavy with a sour tang coating your tongue. Yoongi's fingers started to scratch at the base of your ears and you purred.

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