29- Mending Fences

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"I never understood the point of this, but it's pretty cute!" You pulled away from Yoongi's neck to glare at him.

Your evening had been low key, which perfectly fit your raw, healing mood. They had taken you to a new restaurant that had outdoor seating. The air was nippy and it pricked at your skin like little love bites. You found it immensely refreshing and it helped to clear the dark fog that had been taking up residence in your head for the past two weeks.

It was strange how just a few words of reassurance and a few aired concerns could put things into perspective. Your mistakes felt a mile high, but Jungkook and Yoongi made them look like children's blocks stacked on top of each other. It made you think you didn't need to feel so bad if they weren't taking it too seriously.

After the restaurant, you came back home. Your home! Your signed adoption papers were still on the counter, waiting for Jungkook to take them into work. The three of you had contemplated how to spend the rest of the evening and ended up cuddled together in their bed.

Yoongi was lying on the bed underneath you, Jungkook on the other side of you was propped up on one elbow, watching with a smile that matched Yoongi's infuriating playful mood. You were currently trying to scent Yoongi, but he was insisting on ruining it by running his mouth.

"You work with hybrids don't you? You should know how important scenting is!" You complained. Yoongi shrugged, unconcerned.

"It makes me think you're going to kiss me and then you don't." Yoongi scrunched up his face in mock disappointment.

"He's right Y/N," Jungkook agreed, "Is scenting like foreplay for kissing?" They were teasing you and you knew it and it was extremely frustrating they weren't taking this seriously.

"No! Scenting is just scenting. It's to let other hybrids know that you belong to me now!"

"Ah yes!" Jungkook nodded sagely, "Because we're such hot commodities among hybrids, hmm yes, I see." You punched his shoulder and he started giggling.

"We're not even going to see another hybrid tonight –" Yoongi began, you punched him too before he could continue.

"How did I get stuck with two humans? I'm done with you two, I'm going to my own bed!" You tried to get up and make real your threat, but Jungkook wrapped his arms around you and pinned you to the bed, he was pressed against your back and you were facing Yoongi. Your heart tripped over it's own feet and tumbled awkwardly in surprise.

"Alright Y/N, we'll play nice now," Yoongi hummed, thumb grazing your cheekbone. Jungkook let you go, but then hovered over you, hands on either side of your head, knees on either side of your hips. Your heart just kept tripping as it tried righting itself.

"No more sarcastic comments?" You forced on a scowl as you maneuvered onto your back. Jungkook lifted one hand to his chest and made a small x.

"Cross my heart," He promised with a smirk. You cleared your throat and looked away, you had your doubts.

"If we're really good, will you give us a kiss when you're done?" Yoongi's smirk matched his partner's and you wondered how your heart was ever going to survive.

"Yeah, maybe," You muttered.

"Ok, scent me first!" Jungkook said as he flopped down on the bed. He looked up at you expectantly, his endless dark pools soft and expectant, the remnants of his smirk clinging around his lip ring.

You nodded with more confidence than you felt. Jungkook had a way of melting your insides and making you feel like jelly. You leaned down, close enough to make your noses touch. For one heartbeat, you stayed there, a spark of intimacy crackling and mingling between your shared breaths, and then you dipped, rubbing your cheek against his.

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