40- One of their own

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"Remind me where you're going again?" Jungkook rolled his eyes at Jimin's question. They were at Jimin's for a get together before their trip tomorrow. They were currently out on the patio of Jimin's townhouse together, waiting for everyone else to get there. It was the beginning of summer, the temperature outside was toying the line between perfect and too hot.

Jimin knew exactly where they were going, he was actually instrumental in getting them there. Yoongi would not have been able to work remote for as long as they were intending to be gone if it were not for Jimin stepping in and taking on some of Yoongi's groups.

But Jungkook felt a surge of affection for his friend when Y/N lit up at his question, a lightbulb exceeding its recommended wattage. She leaned over the table, eager to spill everything to Jimin. Yoongi watched her with a fond smile from the patio chair next to her.

"Japan!" She said happily, "We'll be living in Tokyo!"

"That's right! Tokyo, that's amazing. And how long will you be there?" Again it was something that Jimin already knew.

"Two months! We'll be able to travel to other parts of Japan on the weekends. I talked with Jin and Taehyung about all the places they went. We're going to do some really cool things while we're there!"

Winters had never been Jungkook's favorite, but this past winter had been amazing. Y/N had a bucket list of winter activities to get through that kept them busy. They did things he hadn't done since he was a child like sledding and building a snowman. It had rekindled a playfulness and sense of wonder that he hadn't experienced since he was a young child.

The three of them had started taking small trips too, weekend trips here and there, and smaller work trips with him. So when the opportunity came up to travel to Tokyo for two months, it wasn't that hard to convince Yoongi to work something out at work.

Jimin encouraged her to tell him more about their plans and she began to list the things they had planned. Y/N was their official trip planner. She did all the research, then he and Yoongi were in charge of making it happen.

This winter had done wonders for her. She was a resilient tulip, popping up through the snow in full color. She was a more vibrant, confident version of herself. It was the most beautiful transformation he ever had the privilege to witness.

Jungkook heard the doorbell inside and offered to go answer the door. He felt bittersweet as he walked through Jimin's living room to the front door. Namjoon had recently moved in with his girlfriend and the place felt empty without the plethora of books and art Namjoon had collected. If Jimin wasn't currently seriously dating a nice girl himself, Jungkook would be worried about him living alone.

Jungkook answered the door and was greeted by Jin, Taehyung, and Hoseok.

"Jungkookie!" The two dog hybrids said in unison right before they tackled him, tails wagging in excitement.

"You act like it's been years since we've seen him!" Jin said in exasperation when he was finally able to make his way inside and close the door behind him. The pair were already moving to the backyard to pounce on the group outside, "It's like having two puppies! You're lucky she's a cat hybrid." Jungkook smiled, he knew Jin's devotion to Taehyung and Hoseok ran deep.

"So you ready for tomorrow?" Jin asked as they followed Jin's partners to the patio.

"So ready! I didn't ever think this kind of thing would happen. I was always so jealous of you and Taehyung."

"Well, it's good to know that Yoongi has come to his senses! It's basically a free trip, you get paid to be there and it includes free housing, he'd be dumb to pass it up!"

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