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2 years later

The tea shop was busy today, that was typical for a Saturday afternoon. You loved the bustle, taking order after order. Maybe you wouldn't like it so much if you didn't love tea so much, but you found a thrill of delight in creating delicious masterpieces and handing them off with reverent pride to the waiting customers.

"Y/N," Hoseok called from the register to get your attention, "You have visitors!" He sang it out, raising his eyebrows at you. You looked around him to the customers at the counter. One man with a lip ring and a bright smile, the other with unruly raven hair and an expectant smirk.

"One minute and I'll get your orders ready!" You called out with a wink.

You found the two attractive men a few minutes later with three drinks nestled in a drink carrier. It was your break and you had about fifteen minutes before Hoseok would start yelling at you to come back.

"Mmm, I think this every time, but I really wish you were on the menu, kitty cat!" Jungkook grinned up at you. It was crazy how little compliments like that still made your heart flutter and preen. You sat down next to him with a grin that you couldn't keep under control to save your life.

"You can have her for dinner." Yoongi plucked his drink from the holder.

"Sorry, I'm busy tonight. I've got to pack for a trip I'm going on with my boyfriends." Jungkook leaned forward, eyes twinkling.

"Where are they taking you this time?" You felt a surge of excitement that almost had you breaking character.

"Thailand! A week of nothing but beaches and excursions!" Jungkook kissed you, his excitement building too.

" We should have taken this trip first. You two will be in practically nothing all week! It's basically a wet dream!" Yoongi looked around the café as he sipped his drink nonchalantly, "Oh! Jimin wants us to find something cute for his little parasite," Yoongi added, as if just remembering.

"Yoongi!" Jungkook gasped, "You can't call his baby a parasite!"

"Why not? It's not born yet, all it's doing is sucking energy and patience from his lovely fiancé, so I think parasite is an accurate term!"

"You better not call your niece a parasite around Jimin, he's sensitive enough as it is," Jungkook hissed.

"And nobody knows that better than me!" Yoongi complained, "Who do you think he comes to with all his complaints? It's his own fault! It's like he has this compulsion to do whatever Namjoon does. Namjoon gets a girlfriend, Jimin finally settles down. Namjoon gets married, Jimin gets engaged. Namjoon pops out two kids, Jimin knocks up his fiancé. It's ridiculous."

"Speaking of babies," Jungkook said, playing with the straw of his drink. Both you and Yoongi looked up at him. Lately Jungkook was getting a little baby hungry and you were starting to wonder if he wanted them, "Mingyu is whining about how I never bring him back a souvenir from our trips, but Woozi always gets one from you, so no souvenirs for other people this trip!"

You saw Yoongi relax just as you did. You weren't 100% opposed to kids, but you definitely didn't want them right now. Until the three of you decided what your future held in that direction, there were other little babies to distract Jungkook. The truth was you weren't even sure if you could get pregnant, your heats when you did have them weren't consistent.

"It's not my fault you don't like your friends as much as I like mine," You said with a shrug, knowing it would get a rise out of him. His strings of protest were cut off by Hoseok calling you back to the counter. The three of you got up from the table.

"I'll come pick you up at two," Jungkook said, giving you a quick peck and a wide smile.

"Sounds good!" You hummed. Yoongi kissed you too.

"See you at home, kitten."

You flitted behind the counter and pulled on your apron.

Yoongi and Jungkook walked out together, fingers intertwining as if they were made for each other and every second apart was unbearable.

"Damn, they sure are cute!" Hoseok gave you a side eyed glance and you watched them walk by together past the window, your heart swelling to bursting.

"Aren't they though? I've got the best boyfriends!"



Every time I end a story, I feel like crying! It is both satisfying and heartbreaking. I hope you all enjoyed this story and that you'll join me for my next one! I'll be doing one more update to this story that will have an intro for my next upcoming stories. See you again soon!


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