36- Dark Maroon

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"You two are a complete handful!" Yoongi said as he finished packing his bag. Jungkook was horny, that was abundantly clear, his conversation with Y/N earlier and the various texts that he had been sending today were proof of that. Y/N on the other hand seemed fascinated by the ability to now tease and toy them both about sexual things.

"What? Like you didn't like it?" She smiled cheekily at him. Case and point. Yoongi shrugged on his bag.

"So what if I did?" He approached her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her close, "You're going to be so much trouble!" He kissed her hard and she replied enthusiastically. She was positively beaming when he pulled away. She took his hand confidently and they left his office together.

"Can we have cereal for dinner?" She was playing with the collar around her neck. It was an accessory she was wearing constantly nowadays.

"Do you want cereal or just milk? We could make pancakes or something and have milk." She seemed to be thinking about it.

"I want cereal," She said with a nod of her head. So serious, it made Yoongi chuckle.

"Well I'm going to make pancakes too, but you don't have to eat them if you don't want to."

When they got home, he taught her how to flip the pancakes and made extra batter so she could have more practice. He could always freeze the pancakes that they didn't eat tonight.

Yoongi almost laughed out loud with the way she was seriously considering the condition of each pancake in the pan. She carefully scooted the spatula under one of them and when it was securely on top of the spatula, she flipped it. When it landed perfectly, she smirked proudly up at him.

"You're so damn cute!' He chuckled. She acted shy, but he knew she was pleased by the perky way her tail swayed. Y/N finished flipping all the pancakes and plated them.

"All done!" She announced.

"Good job kitten!" He gently placed his hands on her hips and drew her into him. He kissed her forehead and sighed happily as she began to purr.

"I love having you here," He murmured into her hairline and he felt a sense of satisfaction as her purrs intensified. His fingers gently played with the charm on her collar. While he didn't like collars in general, he thought it was cute that she wanted to wear it. She wore it so proudly, so innocently.

After their conversation the other day, Yoongi felt his confidence in their relationship growing with each day. He was beginning to acknowledge all his pent up feelings. He was wondering if the reason he had asked to wait to have sex with Y/N was less about her stability and more about his insecurities. He had never been the type to engage in meaningless sex with someone he didn't love and respect, and he expected the same devotion from his partner.

While he had continued to worry about whether or not Y/N actually loved him, sex seemed pointless, but now that he was more confident in the knowledge of her feelings, it was all he could think about. Every night this week while she was curled up next to him, he stayed awake imagining the three of them together. Her soft breaths in his neck as his painful hard on pressed against the layers of fabric separating them, he loved it! But it was getting harder to resist her.

The tips of her fingers were making their way up his shirt in the back. When they grazed his lower back, the surge of lust he was swimming against swept him away and for just a few moments he wasn't going to fight it. For just a few minutes he was going to indulge.


You had been teasing your boyfriends all day, it had been incredibly fun, but also left you wanting, like you were drinking gallons of water but your tongue was still dry and sticky. So when you slid your hands up Yoongi's shirt, you were looking for a reaction, you just didn't expect the reaction you got.

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