11- Not Permanently

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"We don't need a lot at the store, do you want to walk or should we drive?" Yoongi adjusted his shoes as he put them on. His shoes were too big for you and so were Jungkook's, you had tried them on a few days ago. You felt a weird sense of satisfaction walking around in their shoes.

"I want to walk," You answered. You had learned from Woozi that hybrids being fostered qualified for a stipend. If you were a foster then you would get money every month. You looked down at the generic used shoes on your feet. If they fostered you, you could buy new shoes. The little bud of hope blooming in your chest was painful and you ignored it. Your heart was racing as the two of you waited for the elevator.

In the elevator to the ground floor, you nervously wrestled your hair up on the top of your head. You hated how long your hair was, it was a nuisance. The snap as your elastic band broke echoed in the quiet of the elevator. You let your arms fall to your sides with a sigh.

You nearly jumped out of your skin when Yoongi burst out laughing next to you. It was like the breaking of your elastic band also broke the tension in your chest.

"It's not funny, now I have nothing to pull my hair back with!" You squinted displeased at Yoongi as he continued to laugh. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"We'll get you something at the store," Yoongi pushed off the wall and left the elevator with you on his heels, "We should have gotten you something a long time ago, I'm sorry. I never remember at the right times."

"Really? Like something that won't break?" You asked excitedly and Yoongi chuckled at that. The street was busy as usual and you stuck close to Yoongi. You liked the way he walked with a quiet confidence

You had asked Yoongi for a kiss earlier, mostly to test him and see if he would. Now you were too embarrassed to ask to hold his hand, so you let your tail rest against his leg as you walked together.

"So Jungkook said that you asked him to foster you." You felt your tail twitch against his leg. What was it about Yoongi always getting straight to the point? He didn't ask a question so you weren't sure how to respond. Yoongi looked over at you before looking back at the street. His dark hair had a slight natural curl that you thought suited him well.

"Jungkook and I talked, and we want to foster the two of you." Reflexively your tail wrapped around his leg and you grabbed his hand.

"Really?" You asked hopefully. His words popped the pressure in your chest, making you feel warm and weak in the knees. His smile made his features soft and gooey, you liked this version of Yoongi. His fingers laced with yours and you squeezed his hand happily.

"There's just a few things that I want us to be on the same page with." Your happy fluttering heart stuttered a little at that. You didn't know what he meant. What did Yoongi want in return? Had you stepped into a deal and didn't realize it? Yoongi held all the power in this situation and you felt that sink heavy and low in your belly.

"Why do you look nervous?" Yoongi chuckled and tugged playfully on your hand, "Y/N as your foster family, we are in charge of your health and healing. While you are staying with us, I would like you to go to therapy once a week. You don't have to go to my class, there are other classes you could try or you could even go to the groups at the day program."

You sighed, Yoongi was such a buzzkill. It was a compromise that you could definitely live with if it meant living with them, but it still dampened the excitement you had been feeling a few moments before.

"Fine," You agreed and he squeezed your hand, coaxing your excitement back to life. You could deal with therapy if it meant seeing them everyday. You were nearing the convenience store, but Yoongi pulled you to a stop before you could enter it.

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