41- Next Adventure

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Yoongi stretched as they exited the plane. Airports could be tedious, unless you had a tenacious woman who found wonder in absolutely everything that was new to her.

"Damn!" She was pressed up against one of the airport windows, "You can't see the city from here!" They had been able to see the city as the plane circled and she had been enamored by the lights that lit up the dark sky, but from this distance they were hidden away.

Yoongi scanned the overhead signs, his Japanese ok but luckily everything was translated into English, Chinese and Korean.

"Baggage claim is this way," Yoongi pointed. Y/N bounced to his side, followed by Jungkook. Jungkook wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her cheek, setting off some rumbling purrs.

She was doing far better than Yoongi had anticipated. She had been nervous as they boarded the plane, but other than that she was curious and going off on her own to explore. They got to baggage claim without incident and thank fuck there was nothing wrong with their luggage!

Everything from this point forward had been prepared for them. A driver to take them to their apartment and then someone to greet them at the apartment and give them a tour, as well as a complimentary meal. They would be in charge of their own meals going forward, but Yoongi was thankful for the reprieve tonight.

The apartment had a second bedroom, set up like an office that Yoongi could work from, a cozy living room, small kitchen but that wasn't a deal breaker. Their guide gave them a packet of information before they left. Yoongi flipped through and saw tourist suggestions, local markets they could shop at, emergency contacts, and more. Yoongi sighed in appreciation and set it back on the counter.

They ate together and Yoongi let Y/N and Jungkook dominate the conversation, their excitement was building, he siphoned off the excess and their excitement filled him up. They cleaned the table and Yoongi was ready to collapse and sleep like the dead for 10 hours straight!

"Time to christen the bed!" Jungkook announced and Y/N nodded solemnly. Yoongi rolled his eyes with an exhausted sigh.

"No, not tonight! Let's just go to bed!"

"We cannot sleep in the bed until it's been christened, it would bring bad luck to the rest of our trip!" Y/N protested with a seriousness that the situation didn't deserve.

Christening the bed. He can't quite remember how it started, it was a joke or a comment that Jungkook made on one of their first weekend trips together. In order for them to have a good trip, the bed had to be christened with a thorough fuck session before they could sleep. It didn't matter what time they got to the hotel or even if they were only spending one night there, it had to be done.

It was two against one and Yoongi was always swept along with it, but they had been traveling all day, they flew to another country for fucks sake! Couldn't they just have nice lazy sex in the morning? When he suggested that, he was met with two impassable walls.

Jungkook was already stripping in the middle of the living room and Y/N grabbed hold of Yoongi's belt loops to lure him closer, her purrs vibrating through their new home. It was a strange new kink of his, he loved when she purred during sex and he felt his resolve crumble right then.

"I'll blow you," Y/N coaxed, grabbing his hand now and pulling him along with a devilish smile.

"While I eat her out," Jungkook added, taking his other hand. It would be a cold day in hell when Yoongi would ever be able to say no to that.

Yoongi could hold his own, but they both had a higher sex drive than he did. They were like toys that you wind up and then set free, two little tornados that he was in charge of wrangling in. The things that saved him were that they both loved foreplay and he found that he really loved to watch. Nothing got him going faster than watching his two lovers getting started, that and the fact that they were always ready to take commands.

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