7- Noodles

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As Yoongi took you on the tour, you let Hoseok lead the conversation while you memorized the layout of the building. Mostly offices, counseling rooms for group therapy, a breakroom for employees, and a breakroom of sorts for clients. Yoongi called it a "decompression room", but it pretty much looked like the employee breakroom.

Then he took you upstairs. Your tail constantly strayed to Hoseok's leg, resting against it. It was something you did out of habit. This second floor had less doors and as you started looking in rooms you realized it was because the rooms were bigger. One room was stocked with art supplies. Yoongi told you it was for art therapy. And the next room full of musical instruments was for music therapy.

You had no idea there were such things. You weren't even sure if you believed in therapy. How could it change anything that happened or make anything better? There were a few more rooms that were used for group therapy, then at the end of the hall there was muffled music filtering through a closed door.

"Jimin's class should be over soon," Yoongi said, checking the time on his phone, "We'll just hang out for a minute and I'll introduce you two to him." You and Hoseok moved as one to sneak a peek through the window in the door. The room was a dance studio with a sleek wooden floor. There was a wall of mirrors that a group of about 10 hybrids were facing as they danced.

"Dance therapy?" You asked skeptically. Yoongi leaned against the wall, a knowing smile peeking through.

"It's not for me either, but it helps other people." He winked at you. You looked hurriedly back to the window. Your heart was beating uncomfortably, tail twitching in agitation. Damn tail always has a mind of its own.

The class looked like it was breaking up so you stepped back with Hoseok to let people out. You envied them, the hybrids coming out were slightly disheveled and sweaty, but they were bubbling with a playful energy. It was the type of energy that you siphoned off of Hoseok to keep yourself bobbing on the surface.

"Fancy meeting you here!" You jumped and your tail immediately bristled. You turned to face the newcomer at your shoulder, ready to fight. When you recognize the bunny, you glare at him instead of cussing him out.

"Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you!" Namjoon said apologetically, rubbing the back of his neck. Before you could say something rude, Hoseok was shoving you to the side.

"Nice to see you again Namjoon!" He said brightly, "If Jimin dances, do you dance too?" You sighed and looked away, accidentally catching Yoongi's eye. He was openly smirking at you when he pushed off the wall.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to Jimin."

You knew exactly what type of person Jimin was the moment he introduced himself. He was about Yoongi's height, in a white tank top and dance leggings. He looked like a dancer, slim strong figure, thick thighs and toned arms. There was sweat glistening on his face and soaking into the roots of his blond hair. He smiled wide as you entered the room and his eyes almost disappeared behind his cheeks.

When his face settled into a more subtle grin and he looked at you appraisingly while brushing his hair back, you knew. If he were a staff member at the brothel, he would be the type you would make deals with all the time because he would be straightforward and consistent in what he would ask for.

"Jimin, this is Y/N and Hoseok," Yoongi introduced. Jimin took your hand and shook it with a wink.

"Nice to meet you Y/N, have Yoongi and Jungkook been treating you well?" You nodded, still sizing Jimin up. So far he was far easier to read than Namjoon or Yoongi. The lack of ambiguity was reassuring, he was probably already entertaining ideas of fucking you. You didn't reciprocate those feelings, but it was helpful knowing where he stood. You dropped his hand as Hoseok stepped up beside you.

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