33- Sea of White

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"We should do something soon, just the two of us," Hoseok mused, "It's been forever and I miss you!" You looked up from your book to see him squinting at a piece of string that he was currently beading.

The two of you were back in the small library section of the day program. Hoseok had commandeered an armful of beading supplies to keep himself occupied as you read.

"You see me twice a week, that's not enough for you?" You teased. When Jin had officially adopted him, Jin had enrolled him in classes and programs outside of the one you attended at Jungkook's work. But he still wanted to come here twice a week and spend the day with you. As much as you loved being with Jungkook and Yoongi, your attachment to Hoseok was bone deep and you were still adjusting to only seeing him twice a week.

"Definitely not!" He looked up and winked. You closed your book and leaned forward.

"Just the two of us?" You couldn't stop the smile starting to bloom on your face, "I'd really like that. I miss you."

"I miss you too! As good as boyfriends are, there's just something about spending time with your best friend!" He put down his half finished bracelet, "Speaking of boyfriends, how is everything going?"

You thought about your date this past weekend and you shivered happily. That day had been magic, and everyday after that had traces of it. You felt like something changed that day, something brought you closer together.

"I have the best boyfriends!" You announced proudly and then you began to tell him all that they had done for you. Hoseok was the best person to tell stories to. He was genuinely enthusiastic about every detail and it warmed your heart.

"They are honestly perfect for you!" He pinched your cheeks with a little squeal of approval and you swatted him away good naturedly. He chuckled as he released you, "So you told me about the elevator incident, have any other sexy things happened?" He raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"No," You sighed with a pout, "But I think about it all the time! What it will be like... I've always been in charge so it feels weird to submit to Yoongi. But I want it, I want them and they're so mean to make me wait!" You huffed angrily.

"Maybe you were dom because I wanted you to be. I'm sorry about that!" He said with an apologetic smile. You shrugged.

"It's not like I didn't like it." For some ridiculous reason, you felt yourself fighting with a blush.

"I regret things," He said, looking down at his hands. His fingers were fiddling with a large red bead, rolling it back and forth, "I hope your experiences with them are better and they give you the love and devotion you deserve, all the things that I couldn't."

You didn't want to tell him that they already were.

"We were just meant to be best friends!" You urged, rekindling the glowing smile on his face.

"Next time Jin goes out of town, you should come over and spend a couple of days with me!" And you agreed quickly, "Now come make a bracelet for Yoongi and Jungkook."

You spent the rest of the afternoon beading with Hoseok. Things were different between you, there were aspects of your previous relationship that you were now having to come to terms with. Your relationship with Yoongi and Jungkook brought things to light that you never had questioned before, maliciously or not, Hoseok had used you. You didn't hold it against him, but you had to learn to reconcile those feelings.

"Here, this is for you!" Hoseok slipped a bracelet on your wrist. It was a mix of bright colors and matched the one currently on his wrist, "Best friend bracelets!"

You felt a surge of affection for this man and you attacked him with a fierce hug. Before Jungkook and Yoongi, he had been everything to you. In hindsight, it was fairly obvious that Hoseok was the reason you stayed put together for as long as you did.

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