32- Gifts

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Tons of fluff today! 🥰


You tugged on your shoes, then adjusted various parts of your clothing, including the collar around your neck. You weren't sure if you needed it, because you still didn't know where they were taking you on this date, but you always felt safer with it on.

"Let's go, pretty kitty!" Jungkook kissed your forehead as he pulled on his coat.

"You like that coat right?" Yoongi asked, eyeing your coat as if he was checking the fit. It had taken some searching, but you had finally found the perfect coat. It was warm, but lightweight so you didn't feel suffocated. It was a subtle light blue, a color you were beginning to love more and more.

"It's perrfect!" You confirmed with a slight purr and that satisfied Yoongi, he smiled widely.

"Good, I'm glad. It looks good on you."

"It sure does!" Jungkook agreed, looking you up and down. You adjusted it while trying to adjust your smile at the same time, it was threatening to take over your entire face.

"Alright, let's head out." Yoongi opened the door and led the way to the elevator. When you were all in, he pressed the button for the parking garage.

"So where are we going?" You asked, bouncing slightly in front of him. You couldn't contain the energy sprinting through your body, it was like this every time they took you somewhere new. You loved how new parts of the city unfolded before you, flipping past like the pages of a book, every new place telling you a new story.

"Breakfast first," Yoongi booped the end of your nose just as the elevator signaled your arrival to the parking garage. Yoongi was usually the driver when the three of you went out, you were the distracted passenger who liked looking out both windows, so you sat in the back. That left the front passenger seat for Jungkook.

You carefully studied the world from the view of your car window. You loved the variety of car colors, the crowds of pedestrians crossing streets like flocks of sheep, and the buildings with their heads in the clouds. You loved it all.

It wasn't too long before Yoongi was parking in front of a little diner and the three of you got out of the car. Jungkook reached for your hand and you happily took his. The restaurant didn't look all that big, it definitely didn't look like a chain restaurant. It looked like a little cottage turned breakfast establishment. There were little globe lights strung through the lattice roof of the patio. In the summer there were probably chairs and tables set out so you could eat outside. It was cute.

"Have you been here before?" You asked. Jungkook shook his head.

"Jin recommended it, he and Taehyung come here a lot, they've probably brought Hoseok by now too."

"Do they have pancakes?" It was an important question, but they both laughed.

"You and pancakes," Yoongi shook his head as he pulled the door open, "I'm sure they do." The inside of the restaurant had the same homey, cottage vibe as the outside. It was well lit and full of booths with polished wood everywhere you looked.

"Table for 3?" The waitress asked. You stared openly at her. She was a hybrid. A mouse or a hamster, you would have to see her tail to be sure, but something with little round ears. But the thought that elbowed its way past all the others was that she was a hybrid working at a restaurant.

She began leading your party further into the restaurant. Yoongi and Jungkook followed and you scrambled to catch up. As you furtively searched the restaurant, you noticed she wasn't the only one. Several of the servers were hybrids. You saw a fox hybrid with her tail low to keep it out of the way as she navigated around a table as she served their food, you saw a dog hybrid taking an order and joking with the customers at the table.

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