14- Like a cat to climbing

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"Are you sure you've never climbed before?" Jungkook called up to you. Every time he made a comment about your performance, the boost of confidence you felt was overwhelming. You were doing well, taking to rock climbing like a fish to water or like Jungkook was calling it "a cat to climbing". Was it your hybrid genes? You weren't sure, but you found it easy and enjoyable to try the different climbing walls available.

You took a minute at the top to look down. Jungkook told you this wall was about 20 feet tall. Jungkook was down below, smiling up at you and you let yourself forget about everything else. Hoseok's avoidant behavior, Yoongi's barbing reminder, you let it all fall away as you repelled back down to him.

"While you climb, can I try that?" You pointed to another wall where people were climbing without a harness.

"It's called bouldering," Jungkook explained, "Go for it, kitty cat!" One of the workers helped you out of your harness as Jungkook began his climb. You crossed the climbing gym and stood there waiting for your while you watched others climb. The excited surging of blood to your heart made it beat happily in your chest.

"Have you ever tried bouldering before?" The voice made you jump. There was a man standing just behind you, smiling at you. You looked him up and down. He was taller than you with a build similar to Jungkook. You felt a tingling sense of unease.

"No," You answered, turning back to the bouldering wall and taking a measured step away from the man.

"Really? It's pretty fun, I think you'll be hooked after you try!" It was crazy that your heart was still beating at the same pace when you were excited, but now you were scared and felt like running. Why in the world did you leave Jungkook? What in the world possessed you to leave the safety of his presence? 

Before the man behind you could say another word, you hurriedly left and went back to the climbing wall Jungkook was at.

You impatiently waited for Jungkook and glanced back at that man several times, but he never looked your way. He was talking to someone else now. With distance from the man you had to admit that nothing he said was threatening, a normal person would say that to someone else. You felt embarrassed and ashamed of your reaction now. You were itching to hold Jungkook's hand and feel grounded again.

Jungkook smiled at you when he reached the ground and he was helped out of his harness. He thanked the worker and made his way to you. You snatched up his hand and he squeezed it.

"Everything alright? I thought you were going to try bouldering?" He was smiling, but you could see the pinch of worry in his face.

"I just decided to wait for you!" You turned on your best smile, your coquettish bounce and the worry in his face was gone. He took your hand.

"Even better!" He commented with boyish enthusiasm and you felt yourself slipping back into that carefree place that you were coming to love so much. He stood close behind you as you waited for your turn at the wall and you kept pressing your tail against his leg, wrapping around it occasionally as well.

You watched a couple in front of you steal little kisses. It was cute the way their hands naturally gravitated towards each other in small ways, gentle reassuring connections. Then they posed together and took a picture together.


"Hmmm?" The buzz of his hum vibrated in your belly happily.

"Can we take a picture together?"

"That's a great idea!" You waited nervously as Jungkook fished his phone out of his pocket. You were still very new at taking pictures. It seemed as normal as breathing to everyone around you.

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