3- Paper Cranes and Hoodies

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It felt like days before it was lunch time. You had talked your way out of group therapy but consequently ended up in a self defense class. It wasn't bad, in fact the whole program wasn't bad. The workers were friendly and attentive, the classes were organized, even the other hybrids didn't bother you as much as you thought they would. But just because it wasn't bad didn't mean that you liked it.

You were relieved when it was finally 12pm. You waited impatiently as classes were wrapped up and stations cleared in preparation for the break. You didn't know where the cafeteria was or else you would have left on your own.

You followed the crowd of chatting hybrids. Oh hell, they were moving so slow! When a growl of irritation started to vibrate in your throat, Hoseok yanked on your tail, making you squeal.

"What was that for?" You asked through gritted teeth, rubbing the base of your tail. It still stung a little bit.

"Your impatience. What are a few seconds? You'll see your human soon enough."

"Don't call him that!" You hissed in a whisper. Hoseok gave you a severe side eye glance. You squirmed, a wiggling worm of discomfort made itself known in your gut. But he was right, you were being unreasonable. Your ears flattened against your skull and you didn't make another sound until you reached the cafeteria.

The moment you saw Jungkook standing off to the side, tapping his fingers in a random pattern on his thigh, you forgot whatever shame you had been entertaining in your gut and propelled yourself forward to the human. His wide smile when he noticed you started your purr up and you cleared your throat to stop it.

"How's work going Jungkook?" He placed his palm on the small of your back and guided you to the line for food. You had to fight down another purr.

"Just fine, another typical day really. How's the program going? What have you guys been doing today?" Jungkook looked between you and Hoseok.

"Hoseok painted and we took a self defense class, I actually enjoyed that one!"

"Me too," Hoseok piped in, "It's not so bad Jungkook, definitely better than I was expecting. And this food smells delicious!" Hoseok bounced on the tips of his toes to look ahead at the food you were inching towards.

Regular meals, that was something to look forward to. You were never starved at the brothel, but your meals were random. Some days you only got one meal, some days you got three, some days everything was cold, and some days it hit the spot. It wasn't something that you could count on, but today you had breakfast, and at least lunch seemed like it would be a consistent time everyday.

"For the hybrids who live at the shelter, do they get breakfast and dinner too?" Jungkook nodded.

"Sometimes if I'm working late I'll eat dinner with them or if Yoongi's out of town I'll come in early for breakfast." His eyes lit up and a bashful grin settled on his lips when he mentioned Yoongi, you were envious of that.

When it was your turn to get food Jungkook went first and pointed out things that he liked. You've never had so many choices in your life and if you were honest, you didn't like it, so you chose a few things that Jungkook recommended. Hoseok, never one to be held back by anxieties like you were, piled things at random on his plate and when the three of you sat down at the table, he looked pleased as punch with his choices.

"How long have you and Yoongi been together?" You asked casually, picking at the chicken on your plate. Hoseok was too invested in his plate to make the sarcastic comment you knew he had stowed away in his cheek like a squirrel, ready to spit out at any minute.

"Four years!" Jungkook announced happily. Four years? Well, dammit... It wasn't that you didn't like Yoongi, it was... It was exactly how you felt about this day program, he wasn't that bad but you didn't like him necessarily. But it seemed like Jungkook and Yoongi might be a package deal.

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