34- One More Week

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"A week..." You mused out loud for perhaps the 10th time in the last ten minutes. Jungkook was laying in your bed and you were laying on top of him with your head on his shoulder, "A whole week."

After his call, you had retreated to your bedroom, only to be followed by Jungkook who forced you to snuggle. Yoongi would have lectured you about running away, but that wasn't Jungkook's style, he was the type to worm his way around protestations.

"I might be able to come home early!" He reassured you again as he trailed his fingernails up and down your back. It was an amazing sensation! And worked wonders on the tight ball in your chest that formed at his announcement. It felt as if his fingers were working out the tangles with every pass. Jungkook had not been gone for that long since...

"What if I go crazy again? What if I do stupid things again? What if without you here Yoongi and I fight again?"

"Maybe this is good for you two, you both seem to think that I'm some kind of glue keeping us together and that's not the case! Your relationship with each other is just as strong as my relationship with either of you! I don't see how you guys could doubt that."

You didn't answer, instead you inched your nose closer to his neck to be closer to his scent. You placed your nose against the underside of his jaw and breathed him in, savoring the life saving scent. Haltingly, you let your tongue slide out to taste him. Jungkook sighed in satisfaction and it encouraged you to keep going.

Your teeth lightly grazed his skin, turning his skin temporarily pale before the blood rushed in and returned the golden color again. His breathing was heavier, you could feel the rhythm change in his lungs underneath you, and his pulse against your lips quickened.

It was satisfying to know that you could affect his body like that, it made you want to do so much more. You remembered his teasing from earlier and you wanted to repay the favor. Your hand strayed upwards, sliding up his neck to cup it and keep him in place as you gently began to suck at his exposed skin. His soft, barely vocalized moans made you smile in satisfaction. You didn't suck hard enough to leave a mark, you just loved the sensation of your mouth being full of him.

His hands went up your shirt and you trembled at his touch. The simplest touches from Jungkook and Yoongi had you on the verge of begging. You had done your best to be patient and wait, but sometimes your body didn't listen to logic and it wasn't interested in boundaries. You kissed your way up to his ear.

"I'm going to miss you!" You brushed your lips against the shell of his ear. His moan in response was deep with glowing veins of desire, it was mystical and drew you further into the mine of lust. You found his lips again and delved into him, scooping him onto your tongue with every lazy stroke.

Both of his hands were still up your shirt, gently rubbing against your sides and brushing against the clasp of your bra, but they both began to trace the curve of your spine right down to the base where your tail started.

It was an incredibly sensitive part of your body and you began to moan into your kiss as Jungkook massaged the area with the tips of his fingers. You gasped when he firmly tugged on the base of your tail. Your body tensed with the sudden pleasure.

"You like that?" Jungkook asked in a husky whisper. His other hand lightly squeezed your ass. You nodded with a whimper as he tugged again. You were flush against Jungkook and you were suddenly aware of his hard cock growing between the two of you.

"Your food is here," You gave a yelp of surprise at the unexpected voice. You turned to see Yoongi staring at the two of you, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. He had a neutral expression on so you couldn't tell if he was upset or not.

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