27- Deep Breath

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Y/N was acting impossibly distant. Hoseok's attempts to join her in whatever she was doing were proving fruitless. Was it because of their argument? Probably! He regretted getting so upset, he really shouldn't have. He should have been nicer, more understanding.

Y/N's eyes were constantly red rimmed and he wondered if she had been crying or was trying to hold back tears. When he asked her about it, she just scoffed it off. Every time he asked her if she was ok or anything really, she snubbed him.

Time limped painfully towards lunch and he was antsy to see Jin again. He wanted the reassurance of his partner, Y/N was throwing him off kilter. Oh how the tables had turned, when it was time for lunch, he impatiently rushed through the halls to get to Jin, just like Y/N used to do for Jungkook. He spotted Jin and Jungkook chatting with each other, clearly waiting for them.

"There's my gorgeous doodle!" Jin called out. Hoseok beamed with pride and acceptance. Just being in Jin's presence was reassuring. For years he had ached for this man, had hoped against hope that he would find him again. The years had only made him more beautiful and confident. 

Jin slipped an arm around his waist and he brushed his cheek along Jin's, quickly and subtly scenting him. Jungkook was searching the hall behind him. Hoseok realized was a pang of embarrassment that he had let Y/N get so far behind him, but there she was now trudging up the hall with her bag over her shoulder.

"Hey sweet kitty!" Jungkook took her hand and drew her to his side.

"Why don't we all eat together?" Jin asked, playing with the curls on Hoseok's ears. He had to place a hand on his tail to keep it from hitting everyone around him.

"Sounds good to me!" Jungkook said with a wide, sweet smile. There was no reaction from Y/N.

She refused to get a tray and he watched as Jungkook piled extra onto his to share with her. She followed him like a gaunt shadow all through the line and then to the table Jin had chosen for the four of them.

Hoseok's irritation was mounting with every passing second. When Jin had invited Jungkook and Y/N to sit with them, Hoseok had been so excited! He wanted Y/N to see what Jin was like, Jin was funny and kind, he was infectious and Hoseok knew that if she gave Jin a chance, she would love him!

But she had not said a single word all the way through lunch, even if Jin asked her pointed questions she ignored them and Jungkook would jump in on her behalf. He felt embarrassed that his partner was being ignored by his best friend, someone that he had talked about with high esteem to Jin and Taehyung.

He was relieved when lunch was over and it was time to say goodbye.

"See you later, pup." Jin gave him a lingering kiss that made him groan when it ended. Jin shifted his sweet smile to Y/N, "It was good to visit with you Y/N, we'll see more of each other I'm sure!" Jin bowed his head, squeezed Hoseok's hand and then headed back to work. Hoseok sighed unhappily, Jin was too generous and kind.

"Time for me to get back to work too!" Jungkook announced brightly and made to follow his cousin.

"Wait, Jungkook!" She grabbed frantically at the front of his shirt, bringing him back, "Don't go yet!" Her voice cracked. When Jungkook chuckled and cupped her face, Hoseok's irritation reached its peak.

"Let him get back to work!" He grabbed her arm and yanked her away from Jungkook.

"No wait..." She tried twisting out of his grip to get back to Jungkook. Was Jungkook the only one in this fucking world that she cared about? Jungkook resumed cupping her face and kissed her forehead.

"I'll see you later kitty cat!" And then he followed Jin down the hall. She looked devastated as he walked away.

"Why d-id you d-do that?" Her stutter pissed him off and he shoved her arm away.

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