2- Apartment Photos

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Hoseok was dead to the world. The two of you were in Jungkook's spare bedroom, curled up together. Even with Hoseok sharing your bed with you, you had a hard time sleeping. While he slept he became a shapeshifter, taking on the characteristics of a koala. His legs were tangled with yours, arms wrapped around you, and nose pressed unceremoniously into your neck. As much as you loved the skinship, he was a heater and it was adding to the sleep deprived headache pressing on the back of your eyes.

When you tried untangling yourself, he pulled you tighter and you groaned in frustration, "Hobi, let me up!" You hissed. Instead, he basically rolled on top of you, pinning you in place with his dead weight, "I have to pee! You're pushing on my bladder! Get off, hurry!"

He grunted as he rolled off of you and you evacuated quickly before he could change his mind. You left the room. It was early, the light peeking in through the curtained windows was a dull gray. Your eyes were aching with tiredness but you were too restless to sleep.

You walked drearily down the hallway. There were photographs on the walls and you delicately touched the frames as you passed. Sweeping landscapes, artistic still lifes, mesmerizing portraits. You wondered if Jungkook took these. There were a couple of his cat like boyfriend that you paused in front of.

Yoongi. He had mostly given you space as Jungkook helped you get settled in last night. Hoseok had been pleasantly social enough for the both of you so you had felt no need to talk with Yoongi. You were still upset at his presence.

Jungkook's apartment wasn't huge. There was one bathroom, two bedrooms, an open space that had a living room and a kitchen. You went to the kitchen first. It was simple and clean with gray marble counters, gray matching cupboards, an island in the center with 3 bar chairs tucked into it, dark matching appliances, and white walls like the rest of the apartment.

You began to open every cupboard. Matching plates and bowls, different glass sizes, a special shelf of glasses that had wine glasses, shot glasses, and whiskey glasses. There was a spice cupboard, a cupboard full of ramen and other dried foods.

You found the liquor in a bottom cupboard, tilting each bottle with interest. Was Jungkook the whiskey guy or was Yoongi? The rest was full of boring pots, pans, and other kitchen items. The fridge was stocked. There was milk you noticed and you were pleased by that. Milk was a rare treat at the brothel.

Next was the living room. There was a 3 person couch and a loveseat in an L shape, both facing a flatscreen propped up on a black entertainment center. It was also simply decorated with a guitar propped up in the corner. There were pictures on the white walls here too, but the vibe was completely different.

Pictures of Jungkook with Yoongi, and pictures of family or friends. In each one you sought out Jungkook's cute, innocent grin. You rubbed your thumb against the glass. It was illogical that you were so attached to this human. Maybe it would be better if you went to the shelter and away from him.

You sat down on the couch with a sigh that came from deep in your nauseous gut. Your eyes stung with tears, your tiredness was pressing on your tear ducts now, but you could not make your body calm down. There was a basket next to the couch full of blankets that you began to scrounge through. But every single one of them had a mix of Jungkook's and Yoongi's scents, and you didn't want Yoongi's scent on you.

Then you saw a discarded hoodie thrown over the back of the love seat. When you brought it to your nose, you sighed in relief. It smelled strongly of Jungkook, like he had taken it off only moments before. You curled up as tightly as you could on the loveseat, burying your face into the hoodie. He smelled of lavender and eucalyptus, the perfect combination to sooth your racing mind. Only then did you feel yourself start to nod off.

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