12- Golden

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An extra fluffy chapter for all of your flat pillows!


"Are you excited to go out today?" You were already ready for the day, but Hoseok was still in bed, so you pounced on him.

"Oof! What are you doing awake you crazy girl?" He wrapped his arms around you and rolled on top of you, pinning you to the bed, "Let me sleep a little longer." He mumbled as he buried his head into your neck, lightly scenting you.

"I couldn't sleep any longer, I can't wait to go out!" On the way home from Jimin's yesterday, Jungkook asked if you wanted to go out and do something special today. He didn't say what it would be, but you had high hopes, "What do you think we're going to do?"

You curiosity, always a tenacious, writhing thing, was hatching into something with large translucent wings, ready to absorb the colors of the outside world. You were denied the opportunity to grow into this new creature all your life, but Jungkook was telling you to spread your wings and your skin was practically vibrating in anticipation.

"Y/N," Hoseok rolled onto his back with a sigh, his dull, regretful tone took you aback, "I'm not going with you today, I'm spending the day with Jimin and Namjoon."

"Why?" The word stuck in your dry throat. Why are you choosing to be with them instead of me?

"You'll still have fun without me. The three of you will have a blast! I bet you're going to do some cool things and you can tell me all about it tonight, ok?" You rubbed at your chest to soothe the confusion boiling up.

"Yeah, ok."


In their relationship, Yoongi was undoubtedly the better cook. Jungkook loved Yoongi's cooking and didn't often cook because of that, but he could still cook. He wanted this day to be perfect and a perfect day had to start with a good breakfast. Yoongi wanted to sleep in, so it was up to him.

Ever since they agreed to foster Y/N and Hoseok, he felt a greater responsibility to their happiness and growth. He wanted Y/N in particular to experience happiness and joy in a way that she's never had an opportunity to in the past.

"It smells good!" He jumped in surprise, he had been too focused on the food in the pan and planning the day in his head that he hadn't heard her approach.

"Did I scare you Kookie?" Kookie? Her giggle filled him up, a warmth that rubbed against his most sensitive organ, making it stir into motion and pound in his ears. Her ears twitched on her head, making her bright smile quirky and so so... He cleared his throat.

"You sure did!" He chuckled, ignoring the feelings welling up inside him, "You ready for breakfast? I made pancakes!"

"Pancakes are my favorite! We have whipped cream, right?"

"Of course, kitty cat. Want to help me get everything ready?" She worked with him to get plates out of the cupboards and toppings for the pancakes.

"Hoseok said that he's going to hang out with Jimin today, he's not going with us." That was news to him. Hoseok had been acting weird. He had agreed to being fostered but had said no at first. Was he unhappy here? He would have to ask Jimin or Namjoon about it. Jin would be home in about a week and things would change then, but if Hoseok was unhappy, Jungkook would step up his game for the next week to make sure he didn't want to go back to the shelter.

Y/N obviously didn't want wait, she was picking off little pieces of the pancakes and sneaking them into her mouth when she thought he wasn't looking.

"Should we eat without them?" He used a fork to place two pancakes on a plate for her.

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