19- Popped Bubble

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"Kook, it's time to wake up!" 

Jungkook whined and pulled the blanket over his head. It was a Sunday, he shouldn't have to wake up early. Yoongi chuckled behind him and kissed his bare shoulder.

"If you don't get up soon, you're going to be late." Yoongi placed more kisses along his shoulder. If he didn't know better, he would say that Yoongi was trying to make him late. He turned around on the bed to face Yoongi, tugging the blanket up over Yoongi's head too. It made him feel like he was in a little bubble, away from the world and all its responsibilities. Yoongi kissed him long and deep, and he was in heaven!

It was really hot though, their bodies were warming up the space fast, making the air feel almost soupy.

"Yeah, ok, enough of this." Yoongi pulled the blanket off their heads and let the bedroom air cool the space between them.

"What if I didn't go?" Jungkook mused, staring glumly at the ceiling. Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

"That's up to you," Yoongi answered, "But if you don't go, you won't get that bonus that you were hoping for." That was true. Traveling wasn't easy or convenient, so he was compensated every time he did have to travel like this. He liked those bonuses, and in general he liked traveling too, but this time he was more conflicted than usual. He knew he was going to miss Yoongi and worry about Y/N the entire time.

"Fine! I'll go!" He groaned, sitting up, "I'm going to go get some coffee started." To his chagrin, Yoongi rolled over and snuggled back into the blankets. So unfair... He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he left the bedroom and turned right towards the kitchen. He heard movement and perked up when he saw Y/N making some tea.

"Morning kitty cat!" She jumped, looking at him with wide startled eyes. He suddenly felt a subtle sinking in his gut.

She was in a mens t-shirt, a shirt he found vaguely familiar. As he came closer, he saw a dark bruise on her neck. The beautiful bubble he had created this morning popped with enough force that he was physically shaken.

"What's on your neck?" In his panicked state, it came out like an accusation. Her hand flew up to the mark to cover it, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled it away. He stared at the mark, he had received enough hickies, given enough of his own to recognize the shape, the unique spidery stippling that occurs when sucking lips break the blood vessels.

Somebody's lips had been on her, someone touched her in such an intimate way and it made him livid! Who had touched her like that? His heart was racing, pounding in his ears, and he noticed his grip on her had tightened when she let out a little gasp. When he looked back up at her, he could tell she was frightened. Her eyes were glassy, like she was about to start crying. His own pain was reflected in those glassy pools.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have slept with him!" Her whisper was oozing with shame and Jungkook could already feel it sticking thickly to his throat.

"Who?" He asked in a trembling voice, "Who did you sleep with?" He and Yoongi had talked about taking their relationship forward, but he wouldn't go that far would he?


The new presence surprised him and Jungkook felt like he was choking on his heart. Hoseok was standing there, watching them with his arms crossed and an intimidatingly neutral look on his face. That's who's shirt she was wearing, that's why it looked familiar. Self-consciously, Jungkook dropped Y/N's wrist and took a step away. He was a fucking idiot, he hadn't even considered Hoseok, he assumed it had been Yoongi...

"What's going on?" Yoongi walked out of their bedroom and into the twisted mess that Jungkook had created.

"Your boyfriend just found out that Y/N and I are sleeping together," Hoseok said matter of factly. Y/N bolted from the room with a little whimper, her tail whipping behind her. Jungkook wanted desperately to follow her, but he couldn't move, he was afraid any move he made would trip him up. He looked to Yoongi for comfort, but his boyfriend was glaring at Hoseok.

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