26- Goodbyes

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Jimin was always quick to respond if alcohol and drama was involved, so Yoongi didn't have to wait long for Jimin to join him at their favorite bar. Jimin proved his point when the young man sat at the bar with a flourish and greeted Yoongi with:

"I love the drama!" Yoongi shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. His phone started vibrating, it was his third call from Jungkook since he left the house, he ignored it.

"Don't waste time! Tell me all about your little kitten then!" Jimin said, catching onto Yoongi's reason for this late night trip to the bar.

Yoongi ordered them both a couple shots and a whiskey to sip. It had become part of their routine. Jimin was actually how he met Jungkook and when Yoongi was pursuing his frustrating boyfriend, Jimin's help had been invaluable. They would meet up like this and order the same thing every time.

After his first shot was done, he began telling Jimin about the last couple of days and ultimately the incident that prompted him to call Jimin tonight.

"She pushed a fucking cup off the counter, Jimin! Looked me dead in the eyes and she pushed it off!" Yoongi downed his next shot and hissed irritably. Jimin chuckled beside him, also taking a shot. Yoongi's phone vibrated and he ignored Jungkook's call again. He signaled to the bartender for two more.

"I like when you get upset," Jimin said with a mischievous grin, "You always come to me and that means a lot of free drinks!"

"I'm being serious Min!" Yoongi shouted angrily and Jimin patted his arm.

"I know, I know, ok I'm focusing," Jimin turned his whole body towards Yoongi to show his commitment, "But come on Yoongi, she was rescued from a brothel and who knows what happened to her before that, of course she's going to have some issues! Didn't we already talk about this?" Jimin sighed.

"I know that, I do! I'm not a fucking idiot! That's why one of the conditions of us fostering her is that she goes to group therapy but everything is like pulling teeth! She defies me at every turn–" Jimin burst out laughing and it threw him off.

"She defies you?" Jimin giggled, taking another shot, Yoongi did as well.

"Ok defy is the wrong word–"

"She's not a child, she's a grown ass woman as I'm sure you know!" Yoongi did know that, he was hyper aware of that fact, "I can't believe you took off her doorknob, how low can you stoop? Why is Jungkook calling?" Jimin glanced at his phone with a furrowed expression.

"Don't answer it!" Yoongi said hurriedly when Jimin went to answer it. Jimin raised a questioning brow at him. Yoongi rubbed his face with his hands as he remembered Jungkook walking into their kitchen, interrupting his argument with Y/N.

"Jungkook came home early, caught us fighting. I couldn't face him, so I left and called you." When he felt the tears pricking at his eyes, he downed another shot, "What if I can't make this work? What if Jungkook is the only thing keeping the three of us together and this time without him is proof of that? What if she doesn't want me like I want her?"

"That's not what it looks like from where I'm at," Jimin hummed as he sipped his whiskey, "I think she cares about you just as much as Jungkook. Yoongi, she's practically glued to you every time I see her. She could follow Hoseok, choose Hoseok, but she is choosing you over him every time. Hoseok can see it too, we've talked about it." Jimin's phone vibrated and he rolled his eyes at Yoongi.

"Why are you here with me when you should be at home fixing this like you claim you want to?" Yoongi took a large gulp of his whiskey to avoid the question. The pain of the liquid going down was pleasant and comforting.

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