24- Crossroads

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Hoseok tried to finish his lunch, but he couldn't. He felt nauseous after the altercation with Y/N. To their credit, Jimin and Namjoon were not questioning him about it and carried on like nothing had happened. He appreciated that, but he couldn't settle. He needed to go find Y/N. So he excused himself and went to Yoongi's office.

He had a feeling she would be hiding under a blanket on Yoongi's couch, but when he came in, it was just Yoongi. He was busy working on something and only glanced up briefly.

"Yoongi, where's Y/N?" He looked up and gave Hoseok his full attention.

"She asked for my phone and then left. Why? Did something happen?"

"No need to worry! See you later!" He didn't want to worry Yoongi unnecessarily.

He began his search. All the rooms on the first floor were being used as far as he could tell, so he went upstairs. He searched all the empty classrooms and group rooms upstairs, but she wasn't there.

That left the bathrooms. How could he be sure she was in there without going in there himself? He mused as he waited outside the bathroom on the second floor. It was used less frequently and he thought it would most likely be the bathroom she would choose. After waiting for fifteen minutes and no one went in or out, he decided to go in.

It felt like a sin to be going into the women's bathroom, he chuckled to himself, but quickly stopped. Without the sound barrier of the metal door, Hoseok could clearly hear her crying. Her little hiccuped sobs were heartbreaking.

"Y/N?" He called out and the cries abruptly ceased, "Y/N honey?" He tried again.

"Go away!" Her voice was raw and watery. There was only one stall with a locked door, he walked to the stall furthest from the door and took a deep breath.

"I can't do that when I know you are in here crying, now open up." He lightly knocked on the locked door.

"You can talk from out there if you want to talk." Hoseok sighed.

"Y/N, is everything alright?"

"If that's all you want to talk about, you can go ahead and leave."

"Don't be like that! Is this because Taehyung scented me? Isn't it a good thing that he scented me and things are going so well?"

"I have been the only person who has scented you in the past five years and you have the nerve to ask me if it smelled good?" The seriousness of what he did, hit him like a punch to the gut. So many things were changing for him and they were moving faster than he thought they would, especially when it came to Taehyung. He didn't take time to consider how that would affect Y/N.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, things are moving faster than I thought –" She interrupted him.

"Go away, I don't want to talk to you right now!"

"Come on Y/N, talk to me!"

"If you wanted to talk to me, you should have come hours ago when you got here!" Hours ago?

"Y/N, I've only been here for like two hours. I came by Yoongi's office when I got here and he said that you were in group and would be done by lunch. That's why I said we should get phones so I could have texted you that I would be coming late today." He could hear her crying resume.

"Y/N please open up!" He knocked on the door again, his anxiety mounting at the sounds of her distress grew louder and heavier with emotion.

"I just want Jungkook!" She sobbed.

He trudged back to Yoongi's office, feeling like a failure. In the end, he couldn't convince her to come out. He had never heard her cry like that and it scared him. When he pushed open Yoongi's office door, Yoongi looked up at him. His desk was still littered with notes and open books, Hoseok felt guilty for interrupting.

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