9- Silly Bunny

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"I'm surprised really, that you asked me to hang out with you." Hoseok's smile was knowing, sensing that Yoongi had some ulterior motive.

"I do want to hang out, I'm not lying about that. You're fun Hoseok and I think you're feeling antsy so maybe this is for both of us?" Hoseok hummed around his drink. He had wanted alcohol, but Yoongi had refused. Hybrids just couldn't handle alcohol like humans could, not that it was great for humans either.

"You have questions? Maybe about Y/N?" Hoseok ventured a guess. His eyes were scanning the room with a barely concealed excitement.

Yoongi fiddled with his glass. "Yeah, maybe."

"Well!" Hoseok downed his drink and got to his feet, "You karaoke with me and I'll answer any questions you have!"

Karaoke wasn't as bad as he expected, I guess it depends on who your partner is. There was a part of Yoongi that wanted to let loose. It was one of the reasons he loved being with Jungkook, because that side of himself just naturally came out while he was around him. The same was true for Hoseok. By the end of their third song, he was having a really good time.

Yoongi was almost giggling by the time they handed the microphone off and took a seat again.

"We're pretty good!" Hoseok said enthusiastically, his wide grin made Yoongi smile too.

"No, we're really not!"

"Well," Hoseok leaned back in the booth and closed his eyes, "Enthusiasm makes up for lack of skill." Yoongi ordered them so more drinks and a comfortable silence filled the space between them as they waited. They thanked the waitress when the drinks were delivered and Hoseok perked up.

"So," Hoseok swirled the liquid in his glass, "What prompted this outing, Yoongi? Besides my delightful company?" Yoongi chuckled briefly but then felt the weight of the conversation he wanted to have with Hoseok.

"I know you two are lovers." Yoongi sipped his drink as Hoseok eyed him.

"Lovers isn't the right word," He answered. That raised a whole new set of questions, but Hoseok was already continuing, "Y/N is my best friend, our lives have been woven together for so long. We share the same heartache so it only seems natural that we should share the same pleasure, since there has been no one else to provide it for us." He sighed and swirled the liquid in his drink again.

"I think it started because I wanted to remember what real sex felt like and she wanted to know what real sex felt like. She has a fucked up past, at least I have as much good as I have bad, but she doesn't. So what we're doing, it's not romantic love, it's not friends with benefits because it's not really about the sex either. It's about keeping each other sane and reminding ourselves that we have worth and that we are important to at least one other person. Does that make sense?"

Yoongi nodded. Hoseok, never one to dwell in the realm of serious talk, brightened with a mischievous smile.

"But the sex is really great! In case you were wondering." Yoongi blushed and faked a cough so he didn't have to meet Hoseok's penetrating gaze.

"I asked Y/N today if you two wanted to be adopted together and she said maybe if the circumstances were right, but you were looking for different things."

"Is there a question there?" Hoseok smirked and Yoongi couldn't help but smile. He liked Hoseok. He was bold, enthusiastic, and straightforward while making you crave his inner glow.

"What does she mean by other things?" Hoseok chuckles and leans forward towards Yoongi.

"It means that she wants you to adopt her and I don't want to be adopted." Hoseok was studying his reaction, but Yoongi didn't know what he was feeling. It really shouldn't be a surprise and in many ways he saw it coming, but pretended it wasn't. Hoseok leaned back against the booth seat and plucked a piece of ice from his drink. He popped it into his mouth and crunched on it.

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