23- Feeling Ok?

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Both you and Yoongi seemed relieved when you finally left his work on Friday afternoon. Hoseok was off with Jin again, so it was just the two of you in the apartment.

"I need a nap," Yoongi said sleepily, "Come snuggle with me." He took your hand and led you to his bedroom. You knew it was just for a nap, but your heart was racing. You had rarely been in their bedroom and you loved every time you got the opportunity to enter their space.

It looked like two men lived in it. There wasn't a lot of frill or even a lot of color. There was a bookshelf that was as full of random knick-knacks as it was full of books. There was workout equipment in here too and you knew that was Jungkook's. The bedspread was a nice neutral gray.

Like the rest of their apartment, Jungkook's photographs were all over the walls. These ones were just of him and Yoongi though. It made your heart physically ache to see Jungkook smiling at you from every wall. How could Yoongi do it every night?

You noticed that there was a wall of pillows on one side of the bed and you wondered with a pang if that was Jungkook's side of the bed and Yoongi was using the pillows to fill the void. Yoongi adjusted the pillows to make room for you, then he flopped down, patting the bed next to him lazily. You curled up, practically on top of him.

"I miss Jungkook," You mewled and, to your embarrassment, started to cry. Yoongi's long fingers played with your hair, it was a tired, stilted rhythm.

"I do too. We can call him in a little bit ok?" You nodded into his shoulder.

"Yoongi, I'm sorry you're having a hard time because of me. I'm so sorry and I don't know why you are still being so nice to me." You didn't think you could get any closer to him, but he tried to pull you closer anyways.

"I'm just tired from work, that's all Y/N. We're going to have a great weekend, aren't we?" You wiped at the tears on your face and nodded because you knew that's what he wanted you to do. It didn't take long for you both to fall asleep.

"Y/N? Yoongi?" You woke in a blurry panic, you didn't recognize where you were at first.

"You're ok kitten," A soft voice soothed. His hand cupped your face and Yoongi's creamy coffee scent filled your lungs. You blinked your eyes clear and Yoongi was quietly assessing you.

"Are you guys here?" You recognized the voice as Hoseok's.

"In here Hoseok," Yoongi called out as you sat up, rubbing your face. Yoongi sat up too. Your head felt like it was buzzing after waking up like that. You pressed the heels of your palms into your eyes to help dull the sensation.

"Watcha guys doing in here?" You looked up to see Hoseok poking his head in with a smile that slid into you like hot chocolate. It felt like a million years since you saw him, even though it was probably only hours. Those hours were few and far between lately. 

You made grabby hands at him and he jumped on the bed. The two of you fell backward on the bed and Hoseok wrapped his arms and legs around you in a tight hug. You giggled when he kissed your cheek, you really did miss him.

"So are we having a sleepover in here?" Hoseok released you and stretched in all directions. The bed you two were currently sleeping in was a lot smaller, you two still fit just fine, but you found the wide expanse of their bed enticing too.

"I mean, sure, if you guys want to we can," Yoongi picked at the comforter with a small smile.

"Great! I call middle!" Hoseok raised his hand and you slapped at his chest.

"You do not get middle, I get middle!" You insisted. Hoseok sighed dramatically, rubbing the spot on his chest that you had slapped.

"Fine if you insist!"

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