30- Domesticity

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Little bit of a time skip. Enjoy!


"Yoongi!" You sang his name as you came out of the group therapy room and found him waiting for you. You looped your arms around his waist and began to purr. He took a piece of your hair and began playing with it. A few weeks ago you had chopped your waist length hair to your shoulders. Yoongi loved it, but Jungkook took longer to get used to it. When you had walked into the apartment after your cut, Jungkook nearly had a heart attack.

You had just finished up group therapy and all the other clients parted around the pair of you as they left. Some of them also went to Yoongi's groups and greeted him as they left. Boram was the last to leave the room. She had a soft smile like normal and came up to greet Yoongi.

"Hello Boram," Yoongi greeted happily, "How are things?"

"Really well, thank you! Y/N is thriving, though I wish she participated in group more!" She said it with a smile but you felt yourself blanch. How could she say that in front of him?

"Sounds like her," Yoongi chuckled, chucking your chin with two fingers.

"I'll see you next week, Y/N," Boram bowed her head slightly in acknowledgment, then waved as she went down the hall to her office.

"I can't believe she ratted me out!" You hissed. Yoongi snorted as he took your hand and the two of you walked back to his office.

"She wasn't ratting you out, I'm your guardian so she can tell me that stuff and she's just looking out for you. But you know, therapy only works if you talk." Yoongi let you into his office first. Since they had adopted you, Yoongi had stopped holding therapy sessions in his office. You had become possessive over the space and complained about the smell every time you came in.

The two of you came to the understanding that since you spent two-three days a week there, it was partly your space too. Yoongi started using another room and your personal touches were popping up as unexpected additions. Your own books and an alarming number of fuzzy blankets, to name a few.

"I don't want to, I don't see the point." That wasn't exactly true, over the weeks since you had been going, you were starting to value therapy more and more. You were learning that you weren't alone in your struggles, but you were still having trouble opening up to people other than Jungkook and Yoongi.

You flopped onto the couch and snuggled into your stuffed black cat, breathing in Yoongi's scent.

"You know I'm right here?" He scoffed, "Why are you always going to the cat for my scent?" Soon after they adopted you, they got you two "Scent Friends," a cheesy brand name, but an effective product. These two stuffed animals held scents for an incredibly long time. The scent friend with Yoongi's scent was a black cat and you often kept it in his office. Jungkook's was a black bunny that you slept with every night, it was also incredibly comforting when he had to travel.

Since they had adopted you, he had only taken a scattering of short trips that lasted only a couple of days. You were very grateful for that, especially after what happened the last time he had been gone for an extended amount of time.

"Jealous much?" You teased, pressing the little black buttons the cat had for eyes.

"Going back to group therapy. Why don't we incentivize it? In your next session, if you participate, Jungkook and I will take you out." You thought about it, squinting in his direction.

"Like on a date?" You asked and Yoongi chuckled.

"Yeah like on a date. And if your therapist tells me that you did well, I'll throw in something extra special for you." You perked up, Yoongi was always consistent in the quality of his rewards.

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