31- Safe Place

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You squirmed in your chair. Yoongi had promised you a really good date if you participated in group therapy this week, so you were searching for something to say. The problem was you had been spending so much time actively avoiding speaking that now you didn't know how to start.

You were glad Hwasa and Woozi didn't attend this class because you knew if they were here, you would never have the courage to speak up.

"How about you Y/N? What kinds of coping skills do you use?" You wondered if Yoongi had talked with Boram before this class and that's why she was calling you out. She always had the most open, gentlest expressions. You sat up straight and cleared your throat. Coping skills, coping skills...

"Well, if I'm feeling anxious I like to read, it helps remove me from the emotions I'm feeling. When I have nightmares, I have been trying to talk about them with my owners instead of pushing them away. And on bad days, I go rock climbing and that helps pull me out of it." You forced yourself not to squirm once you had finished, the whole group was watching you.

"Those are excellent coping skills, Y/N," Boram said with a soft smile, "Utilizing your support system and having activities to promote a healthy life is really important. Thank you for sharing!" Then the spotlight was off you and the group resumed its normal rhythm. You slumped in your chair, that wasn't too bad, maybe you'll share more in the future.

After group, Yoongi was waiting for you outside the door again. You wondered why he did that, he could always wait for you in his office, but he didn't. You appreciated the support either way.

"Hey kitten!" He greeted you. You scented him, rubbing your cheek against his before giving him a quick kiss.

"Thanks for participating in group Y/N, I hope to hear more from you!" Boram said as she left the room. She waved as she walked back towards her office. You craned your neck, watching her until she was out of earshot, then you snapped back to Yoongi.

"You heard that right?" You asked excitedly, "And I didn't bribe her or anything, I really did talk in therapy today!"

Yoongi was laughing when he pulled you in for a kiss, "Mmm, I'm so proud of you baby!" His voice still had the hint of a laugh to it, "Can you wait until Saturday for your reward?"

"Yes!" You wrapped your arms around his neck and began scenting him again.


"How's Y/N doing?" Jin appeared out of nowhere, making Jungkook jump. Jungkook chuckled. Until their confrontation at the shelter, Jin had no idea there was any tension with Y/N. Hoseok hadn't talked with Jin about it and neither had Yoongi. So it had come as a shock to him when things exploded, it had been a shock for Jungkook. too.

"She's doing great! How's Hoseok?" After they "mended fences" as Yoongi called it, Jin had been very consistent about checking in to see how she was doing and he had tried to do the same by asking about Hoseok. Most times, thankfully, there was nothing to report.

"He's good too." Jin's bashful smile and the slight reddening along the tips of his ears was adorable.

"You still blush when you talk about him, I think that's cute!" Jungkook playfully tweaked Jin's ear. Jin squawked and swatted his hand away.

"Usually I'm remembering what the three of us have done that makes me blush," He smirked and Jungkook groaned. He did not need that mental picture!

"Have you gone further... with her?" Jin asked, watching him with a sly look. Jungkook fake sobbed as he put his head down on his desk and barricaded his head behind his arms.

"No! Yoongi still wants to wait," It came out as a muffled whine, "He thinks we need to have a relationship outside of sex." He suddenly sat up, "But like we've all been living together for almost 4 months, that's basically like dating for four months right? Four months is plenty of time!"

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