28- Permanence

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Yoongi paced the living room. He beat Y/N and Jungkook home and now he was eating himself alive. It was his fault they almost lost her! He thought back to this morning, how her goodbye had felt so oddly final. He should have listened to his gut because it turns out it was meant to be final.

"Jesus Christ!" Yoongi exhaled to himself. What could he have done differently? How would he change from here on out to ensure she never thinks of leaving again? He heard the keypad ding and quickly collected himself.

Jungkook came in first, drawing Y/N into their home behind him. He had to be strong for Jungkook earlier, but now that they were both here he felt his strength falter.

Y/N looked like she had a million pound weight on her shoulders. Her shoulders were sagging and curling self consciously into her chest, like she was trying to make herself as small as possible. Her ears were pinned against her dark hair and her tail dipped gloomily between her legs. She was looking up at him with those haunted eyes that were puffy and swollen from crying.

"Hey Y/N," She met his eyes through damp lashes, "You ok kitten?" She nodded tentatively. He reached out a hand to her and she stepped closer, her fingertips grazed his palm before slotting home. He brought her hand to his lips and savored the taste of her as he kissed her knuckles.

"You really scared me, baby." The little whimper that escaped her lips as he drew her closer set a fire underneath him, he felt his desire for her lick up his shins and guide his hands as he brought her flush to his body.

"This is where you belong," He whispered as he brushed his nose against hers. Her heavy breaths gathered in the small spaces between their bodies and melted any resolve he may have had. She tilted her head back slightly, letting her bottom lip brush against his. He took that as his invitation and kissed her. The meeting of their lips was as soft as snow falling, their tongues touching was as satisfying as the muffled crunch of boots on a pure, clean winter morning.

He wanted so much more than those soft, delicate touches, but now was not the time. He brushed his fingers against her cheek as he pulled away. She was watching him closely, wary and hopeful.

"You ready to talk about what happened?"


This morning had felt like a resigned walk into hell, your future felt pointless. That dark box you walked right into was devoid of air and smothered you the moment you sat on that thin mattress. You regretted your decision the instant the employee closed the door behind you but by then it felt too late.

You knew Jungkook's visit was impossible and yet he came, bringing with him a light that you craved. He offered you redemption and even though you felt like you didn't deserve it, you clung to it. At your core you were just a frightened little girl in need of love and acceptance.

Jungkook settled you on the couch next to him, while Yoongi pulled an ottoman up in front of you to sit on. Your lips were still tingling from the kiss with Yoongi. It was the first time he had kissed you.

Yoongi took your hand and kissed your palm.

"Y/N, if you left because of our argument yesterday, I'm so sorry!" You were quick to shake your head.

"No, it wasn't you, it was me. I –" You struggled with how to voice your emotions, "I've been feeling so heavy and dark, and I felt like I was infecting your happy home. I knew that wasn't fair and I knew you would keep trying, so I thought I would just take the choice away from you."

"I know how it feels, how the tiniest mistake feels like the end of the world and it feels like you can never come back from it," Jungkook took your other hand and squeezed it, "Like I told you earlier, Yoongi told me everything that's been going on since I left," His dark eyes searched yours and you could feel your ears fold back in embarrassment, "But nothing he told me seems all that bad. It just sounds like you both had a really hard two weeks!" You looked down at your lap as your tears gathered again.

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