8- Never Have I...

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Yoongi couldn't tell if lunch had been a step forward or not. Y/N had chosen to have lunch with him, but perhaps only because he was the lesser of two evils. She had basically told him, and shown him with her body language and comments, that she didn't fully trust him.

She fell asleep after lunch and he made a mental note to bring a blanket from home to keep in his office. Hoseok didn't come back after lunch and Jimin texted letting him know Hoseok had joined his next class.

Their relationship baffled him. Y/N and Hoseok seemed co-dependent sometimes and yet like acquaintances at other times. They were lovers, but didn't want to be adopted together and often acted more like brother and sister.

Last night, when he went to the kitchen for a drink and heard them having sex, he was stunned. What had bothered him the most was that he was with Jungkook, had been with Jungkook for years and before Jungkook he had been with guys for most of his life, but when he heard her moans he could instantly feel himself getting hard. He was surprised by the reaction in his body, sure he thought she was beautiful, but Hoseok was good looking too, why weren't his moans affecting him as much as her's?

Yoongi sighed and ruffled his hair to clear his head. He had a couple of group sessions to lead and debated on whether to wake her up or not. In the end, he didn't want her waking up to an empty room and he lightly shook her shoulder.

The knee jerk panic in her face when she woke up shocked his stomach with guilt.

"Sorry kitten, I just wanted to let you know I'll be stepping out to teach a class. I'll be back in a few hours." She sat up and rubbed at her eyes.

"Where's Hoseok?" She yawned.

"In one of Jimin's classes." He looked away as she stretched. Seeing her lithe body right after reflecting about last night was too much.

"I don't want to be here alone, can I come with you?" He wondered why she was choosing his company over solitude, but he nodded. He grabbed his notebook and phone. She trailed after him down the hall.

The group therapy room already had a handful of hybrids in it, all of whom he knew by name. As they greeted him, he was reminded why he loved what he did. It was amazing to see these hybrids transform, heal, and become empowered. It was incredibly fulfilling to see them make changes and find confidence.

"Hey Yoongi! Who's this pretty little thing?" Hwasa was an energetic fox hybrid. She had been rescued from an abusive situation from her owner and had been coming to therapy for about a year now. When she had first come, she had been aggressive and withdrawn, now she was inquisitive, flirty, and confident. He loved it!

"This is Y/N, she'll be joining our class today." Y/N stepped closer to him and he could feel her body heat warming his side. She was staring hard at Hwasa, making him chuckle inwardly. "Let's take a seat, Y/N."

He waited a few more minutes as more group members trickled in. Hwasa had taken the seat next to Y/N and she seemed pleased with herself. Y/N however was fidgety, he could feel her tail continuously pressed against his leg, which pleased him more than he should admit.

"Looks like we have most everyone," He said looking around the room with a smile, "I first want to introduce Y/N, she'll be joining us today." There were some waves and murmured hellos. Yoongi moved on.

"So how was your week? Any small celebrations?" He liked to encourage their progress by acknowledging what he called small celebrations and began every session by talking about them. Woozi raised his hand.

"Yes, Woozi, go ahead." Woozi had been coming almost 3 months now. He was a sugar glider hybrid, currently being fostered, but Yoongi suspected it wouldn't be long before his fosters adopted him. He was small in stature, but had a commanding gaze and a personality that his foster family had completely fallen in love with.

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