4 - Curious Thing

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When you got back to Jungkook's apartment at the end of the day, you let relief settle in. A weight you had been carrying around subconsciously all day slipped away as you shucked off your shoes and walked into the living room. Maybe on a deeper, primal level you had been worried you would never come back here and Jungkook would just leave you at the shelter at the end of the day.

A sigh escaped your lips as you sagged into the couch and closed your eyes. You didn't even mind Yoongi's scent mixed in with Jungkook's. They complimented each other in a way.

"How was your day?" Yoongi's unexpected voice had you jerking in surprise. He was at the kitchen counter, watching you with piercing dark eyes. You hadn't noticed him, you always noticed things, you were always vigilante when you entered a room, why weren't you tonight?

"It was great! Look what I made!" Hoseok announced, holding up his red and yellow abstract painting he had worked on this morning.

"It looks great Hoseok, have you painted before?" Yoongi's smile, genuine and full of gums threw you off, it was completely different from the look he had given you moments before.

"First time!" Hoseok held his painting at arms length to admire it, "I'm a natural!" You snorted at that. You were proud of Hoseok for trying something new, but it wasn't gallery worthy. You still planned on helping him hang it in the spare room, for as long as Jungkook and Yoongi allowed you to stay here that is.

Jungkook came bouncing into the kitchen to kiss Yoongi. Yoongi slung an arm around his waist as Jungkook wrapped his arms casually around Yoongi's neck.

"Hey baby boy, how was work?" Yoongi asked, expression soft and sweet. Jungkook shrugged.

"Nothing exciting today. How about you?" You laid your head back against the couch and closed your eyes. The words 'baby boy' were zinging and bouncing around in your mind.

"How was your day, Y/N?" Your ears twitched in Yoongi's direction.

"Long," You sighed in reply, but then you remembered you were supposed to be charming them into keeping you so you forced yourself to perk up and turned to face him, "But it was fun! We met some new people, right Hoseok? I'm looking forward to going back tomorrow!"

Lies, it was all lies and Hoseok gave you a knowing grin, but didn't say anything as he took his painting down the hall to the guest bedroom. Jungkook came into the living room and dropped his keys and wallet on the table next to another wallet and keys that must have been Yoongi. He ruffled your hair before picking up the guitar and sitting on the couch. He began strumming experimentally.

To distract yourself from the way your stomach was flipping when Jungkook played with your hair, you picked up Yoongi's wallet on the table and opened it. There wasn't a lot of cash, but there was some. Two different credit cards, his driver's license that looked to be at least five years old, an insurance card, and that was it. Simple but boring. There was one slot that didn't have a card in it, your finger traced the bump on the surface. You pulled the slot open and reached inside. It was a disposable packet of lube, you quickly shoved it back into place.

"Kook, we're out of some things for dinner. I'm going to run to the store real quick." Yoongi closed the fridge door and started walking towards his wallet which was still in your hands. You thought about the packet of lube and dropped the wallet hurriedly.

"What? You need some cash kitten?" Yoongi smirked and your face flushed with an unflattering blush. What in the world was he calling you kitten for?

"I was just looking!" You said defensively. Yoongi scooped his wallet up off the table and put it in his back pocket.

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