16- Sober Thoughts

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You nearly jumped out of your skin when the doorbell rang. Your tail bristled and now resembled a puffy boa. If you had claws, they would be halfway through Yoongi's chest, instead your fingers were fisting his shirt in both hands.

"It's probably Jimin and Hoseok," Yoongi reassured you. Jungkook went to the door to check. He confirmed it was and opened the door.

"Hello Jungkookie!" Your ears twitched. That was Hoseok, but his words were slurred. You jumped to your feet and hurried to the door. Hoseok's arm was around Jimin's shoulders. Hoseok leaned against the doorframe, but then slipped off balance. Jimin stumbled with a giggle as he tried to catch Hoseok's weight.

"What the fuck, Jimin?" Jungkook was livid, you could hear it in his voice. He helped Jimin get Hoseok to his feet.

"What? He wanted to drink! Am I supposed to say no?" Jimin argued playfully.

"Yes, it's not good for hybrids and you know that! Just because Namjoon can–" Your attention from their conversation was diverted when Hoseok noticed you.

"Y/N my sweet kitty!" Hoseok stumbled as he threw his arms around your neck. Your knees buckled and the two of you almost tumbled, "I missed you baby!" He slurred into your ear. You could smell the alcohol on him. Yoongi was watching you with a guarded expression and you instantly felt guilty. You had been kissing his boyfriend just seconds ago and now Hoseok was all over you.

"I'm going to take him to bed," You mumbled and began to lead your drunk best friend down the hall. Jungkook continued to chew Jimin out.

"I'll help you Y/N," Yoongi offered quietly. He threw one of Hoseok's arms around his shoulder and took some of Hoseok's weight.

"We're going to bed?" Hoseok asked in an insinuating, sing-song voice. The arm around your shoulders slipped down your back and yanked unceremoniously at your tail. You yelped and almost dropped him. What the fuck was he thinking? Yoongi was right there, Jungkook was just down the hall. You felt like kicking his ass all the way back to the couch. Once you reached the bedroom, you shoved him onto the bed with a stream of curses under your breath.

"Sorry about him," You mumbled to Yoongi. Hoseok was obliviously snuggling into a pillow. If Hoseok had come home even an hour ago and did that you wouldn't have felt half as embarrassed as you did right then.

"It's fine Y/N," Yoongi said flatly, then turned and left the room. Fuck! Was he mad at you? You know that if Hoseok had been sober he wouldn't have done what he did! You weren't in a relationship with Hoseok, you also were not in a relationship with Yoongi or Jungkook, but Jungkook had kissed you and Yoongi had encouraged it.

You hurried out of the room to chase Yoongi down. Yoongi and Jungkook were in the hallway talking to each other. When you reached them, you could see the front door was closed and Jimin was gone.

"How's Hoseok?" Jungkook asked, his face pinching with concern. Hoseok was horny, but you couldn't tell him that.

"I think he just needs to sleep it off and he'll be alright by tomorrow." Jungkook nodded with a sigh and a tired smile.

"I still can't believe Jimin took him drinking, I could kill him!" Jungkook playfully punched in the direction of the front door, "Aigoo, well should we call it a night? We'll be going over to Jimin's for lunch, but why don't we go out for breakfast together? What do you think, Yoongs?"

Yoongi was watching you. You hated this look, the look that you couldn't read. What was Yoongi thinking? Was he mad? You couldn't handle it if he were mad. What if he put a stop to whatever he had been encouraging tonight?

"Maybe we should let Hoseok sleep in so he feels ok by the time we go over to Jimin's. We'll go out to breakfast another time."

"I guess that's fair," Jungkook hummed. Yoongi went to the kitchen and flipped off the light, then turned off the light in the living room. It was a sure sign that he was ending the conversation. You felt sick to your stomach.

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