15- Stealing Kisses

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"Come sit with me, kitten," Yoongi coaxed when you finished dishing your ice cream. Yoongi was in a mood, you could tell. You were secretly delighted that he was teasing you. Teasing felt familiar and intimate, it was like a bonding connection, a meaningful exchange.

You tried to hide your smile as you walked over to Yoongi, but you couldn't, it kept popping up like a malfunctioning jack in the box. Yoongi was still laying on the couch when you approached with your ice cream. He patted the couch next to his hip as he scooted closer to the back of the couch. But even though he moved over, your hip was still pressed up against his when you sat down next to him.

"So was it a good reward?" Yoongi smirked and you scoffed. You had honestly forgotten that rock climbing had been a reward for going to therapy.

"I think it was a fair deal," You admitted. You shoved a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth and hummed in satisfaction.

"Better than ice cream?" He raised an eyebrow. In answer, you shoved another spoonful in your mouth and Yoongi chuckled.

"Is that a no?"

"You just can't compare the two," You tried to justify with a mouthful of melting ice cream, "They're different."

"You just don't want to admit that there are things better than ice cream," Yoongi countered. Yoongi's teasing always made you more bold than you actually were.

"You know what I would admit is better than ice cream?" You looked him straight in the eye, "Kissing, kissing is better than ice cream." Yoongi's smirk stole all of your confidence and you had to force yourself not to look away.

"This little kitten is always begging for kisses from me!" His tongue clicked in a disapproving tut. You felt your face heat up and you aggressively chopped at your ice cream with the spoon.

"No I'm not! I didn't say I wanted to kiss you, I was just stating a fact! I just like kissing..." Your protests were ineffective.

"Sure kitten," Yoongi snickered and then to your relief he changed the subject, "Jungkook said that you were a natural at rock climbing." You preened at the compliment and a ghost of a purr almost escaped your throat.

"It's probably the hybrid in me, cats like to climb you know?" You happily scooped the last spoonful of ice cream from your bowl and then placed it on the coffee table. You didn't get compliments very often, so his comment meant more to you than it should have.

"Don't discount your own talents, your hybrid genes don't account for as much of you think." You shrugged in disagreement.

"Sometimes that might be true, but there are times when the opposite is true, when the hybrid genes account for more than you think they do." Yoongi nodded in concession. A natural silence settled between you like a physical, fluffy blanket compressing and disrupting the air as it descends on a bed after being shaken out.

Yoongi was staring up at you, one hand behind his head of dark, wavy hair. Though they shared some characteristics, Yoongi and Jungkook were opposite in a lot of ways. Jungkook's eyes were large and innocent, Yoongi's were angular and intuitive. Jungkook's smile was wide and shy, taking over his entire face, scrunching his nose. Yoongi's smile often looked like he was in on a private joke. There were key differences, but you couldn't help but love the symmetry it seemed to create when they were together.

"Either way, I'm glad you had fun, Y/N." You smiled and nodded. His fingers brushed yours and you happily accepted the contact. You weren't holding hands, just touching and tracing each other's fingers. As you reflected on the night, you thought about the man that had approached you in line. Your mouth soured slightly.

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