22- Limping Along

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The next morning, Yoongi let you stay home by yourself. Hoseok was concerned and asked if everything was alright, every time you told him that everything was fine, you were just feeling a little off and wanted to stay home and rest. He even offered to stay home with you, but you encouraged him to go with Yoongi.

For the first hour or two, you loved the silence. You curled up on the couch with a blanket that had faint traces of Jungkook's eucalyptus lavender scent and just listened to that silence. When you became bored of the silence, you turned on the tv and watched something. It felt great to be in control of your day, you got to do whatever you wanted.

Your enthusiasm lasted until late afternoon. It wasn't so much fun by then. You were bored and irritated. You stood there staring at the fridge door, knowing that you should keep your promise and eat for Yoongi, but you just couldn't do it. You walked away from the fridge, but your guilt stayed with you the rest of the day.

When you sat down to watch more tv, you felt antsy because you could see the fridge out of the corner of your eye, so you ended up going back to bed to take a nap. But you couldn't even enjoy your nap properly. Uncomfortable memories woke you in fitful, maddening spurts until you finally gave up. 

You decided to fold paper cranes. You had learned to make paper cranes when you were very young and never forgot how to. To you they were a symbol of endurance and calm reassurance. So naturally they became a coping mechanism for you. You folded different sizes and colors from the paper that Jungkook got you. Maybe you would ask Yoongi for pins so you could pin them all over your wall. You continued folding until you heard the keypad at the door.

You jumped from the bed and skipped down the hall. You were ready for company. Even though the day wasn't great, you were kind of grateful because it gave you a chance to miss Yoongi and Hoseok.

The door opened and Yoongi walked in... by himself. The door clicked behind him as he took his shoes off.

"Hey kitten! How was your day?" He came up to you and kissed your forehead. It was so unexpectedly lovely, that you grabbed the front of his shirt to keep him there. He was no longer kissing you but you could feel his hot breath on your skin. You wrapped your arms around him and breathed in his coffee scent.

"I missed you," You mumbled. You felt his arms go around you too and you purred at the warmth and closeness of his body.

"I missed you too." He kissed your hair line, "How was your day though?" He let you go and moved to the kitchen island to set down his keys and wallet.

"It was fine. Jungkook's scent is fading so the apartment smells wrong."

"I didn't even think about that Y/N," Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck, "They have stuffed animals that are designed for hybrids, they make scents last longer. We'll have to get one for the next time Jungkook travels."

"Why does he have to travel so much?" You were starting to feel a little bitter about it. You hated that you could only call Jungkook. You wanted to be with him. It was making you feel anxious to be away from him.

"It's just part of his job and it's something that he likes doing," Yoongi shrugged.

"Maybe he should get a different job." Yoongi sighed as he filled a glass of water at the sink.

"He's not getting a different job. And we'll support him because we care about him right?" It didn't really sound like you had a choice when he put it that way. That rubbed you the wrong way, you could feel a bubble of contention pushing to the surface. Why did he get to decide what you should do? You could care about Jungkook and express your displeasure with his job at the same time. A small part of you wanted to pick a fight with him, but you held it in.

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