10- Kitty on a Mission

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"I like tea better than coffee!" Y/N announced with confidence as she poured hot water from the kettle over a tea bag. Jungkook smiled as he poured himself some coffee. He was feeling iced coffee today, so he would let it cool for a few minutes before he put in the ice.

"Now we need to find out what kind of tea you like the best," Jungkook encouraged. She nodded solemnly, a kitty on a mission. His nose wrinkled with his happy grin. He was worried that things would be weird after their little kiss, but it wasn't.

"Can you do tea with ice like you do coffee with ice?" She asked, looking up at him. His heart fluttered nervously. More and more lately she was looking at him like she was about to jump off a cliff and trusting him to catch her. It was so different from the charismatic, manipulative woman he met at the brothel.

"Yes, do you want to try that? You can let your tea cool and we can add ice to yours when I add ice to mine?"

"Yes please." She seemed so pleased with herself as she left her tea on the counter to cool.

"Good morning!" Hoseok greeted as he came into the kitchen, "Where's Yoongi?" Jungkook felt himself blush thinking about what they got up to this morning to throw Yoongi off his normal routine.

"Um, he's taking a shower. We decided on cereal this morning, is that ok?"

"Of course!" Hoseok chirped happily. Everything was already on the island so Hoseok began helping himself.

"I like cereal, because you eat it with lots of milk," Y/N said. She had been doing that a lot the last couple of days. Ever since their night in, she would vocalize what she liked and why. It was like she needed permission to have opinions of her own when it came to food and now she was taking pleasure in trying new things.

"Morning," Yoongi said as he came into the kitchen as well. Yoongi kissed his cheek and a warm smile slid onto his face as Jungkook was reminded of this morning.

"What?" Yoongi chuckled. Jungkook shook himself from the memory and noticed that Y/N was scowling at Yoongi, "You want a kiss too?" Yoongi joked.

"Maybe." Her firm, toying reply took them both by surprise. A slow smirk winked on and off her face so fast, he wasn't sure if it actually happened. Y/N walked around the counter to sit at the island with Hoseok. He leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

He cleared his throat and turned away from her piercing gaze. His heart was racing, his mind conflicted. Yoongi patted his ass affectionately and started making himself a bowl of cereal.

"You're going to give Jungkook a heart attack if you say things like that," Yoongi teased and Jungkook blushed.

"I've decided I'm going to go with you today Yoongi," Hoseok announced, drawing Y/N's attention from him so he could finally breathe properly again. Maybe he spoke too soon about things changing after their kiss.

"What? You didn't tell me that?" Her brows pulled together in concern.

"I feel like going to one of Jimin's classes today. Why don't you go with Jungkook though?" She huffed in annoyance, but didn't argue with the dog hybrid.


Fuck Hoseok! It was on repeat in your mind for the whole drive with Jungkook to work. Your iced tea was clinking in its thermos and you gripped it tight like it was a good luck talisman.

"You seem nervous," Jungkook commented.

"I'm not nervous." It was a lie, obviously, and he knew that too, but you weren't about to admit it out loud. What good would it do?

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