Chapter 3: The First World (3)

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 It wasn't until evening that Su Zheyan came back with supplies.

 Through the transparent cover of the capsule cabin, he saw little robots scurrying about in the cabin.

 He didn't know what method he used to get the tape off his body. But it couldn't get it off completely, leaving most of it stuck on the back.

 The robot runs ahead and the tape flies behind.

 When passing the right shelf, the tape stuck to it. The robot, which was still running forward, fell to the ground with a slap.

 He thumped hard, unable to break free no matter what, and screamed angrily.

 Su Zheyan quietly stood aside and watched.

 Chu Shici was in a bad mood. He wanted to break the tape, but his hands were stuck too.

 While fighting with the tape, he asked the system: "How long will the hero come back, I can't stand it anymore!" '

 The system coughed a few times and did not speak.

 Chu Shici was tired from the beating and sat on the ground panting.

 At this moment, he heard the system's prompt sound in his mind.

 [Vigor value +1, the current male protagonist Su Zheyan's vitality value is 6/100. 】

 Chu Shici was both happy and at a loss, "What happy things did the hero meet outside?" '

 The system seemed particularly guilty, 【Say, maybe it wasn't encountered outside. 】

 Chu Shici didn't understand, so he simply didn't think about it.

 There are many strange things in the capsule, and he plans to study them all inside and out while Su Zheyan is away.

 Chu Shici got up again and continued to wrestle with the tape.

 When he was completely wrapped in tape, he heard the system beep again.

 [Vigor value +1, current vitality value: 7/100. 】

 Chu Shici was a little happy, 'The outside world is so interesting? Then let the hero go out more, wouldn't I be able to complete the task lying down. '

 The system wiped its sweat, [I don't think it's going well. 】

 Chu Shici was stunned for a few seconds, then he came to his senses and looked up slowly.

 Through the transparent cover above, one can see Su Zheyan looking at him with great interest.

 He was holding an old-fashioned video camera in his hand and was watching and recording.

 The moment Chu Shici looked at him, the corners of Su Zheyan's mouth seemed to twitch slightly.

 His expression changed small and fast, Chu Shici wasn't sure if it was his own illusion.

 Different from those mocking chuckles before, the hero seemed really amused by him just now.

 Chu Shici tried to fight with the tape for a while, but Su Zheyan still looked at him indifferently.

 Only the [Vigor + 1] sounded in his mind, proving that his conjecture was correct.


 In the end, he was rescued from the tape by Su Zheyan.

 Maybe it was his pitiful appearance just now, which made the hero feel pity.

 Not only did Su Zheyan stop using tape to tie him up, he also put away all the things in the capsule that might hurt him.

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