Chapter 70: The Third World (17)

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 Gu Yunzhe leaned against the car seat, his eyes gradually emptied. The intensifying headache made his face even paler.

 He subconsciously yelled 'Aci', and was immediately embraced by someone.

 Gu Yunzhe's tense body gradually relaxed.

 Memories are like a flood that burst a bank, submerging him in an instant.

 Suddenly, Gu Yunzhe saw himself in an abandoned air-raid shelter.

 The light here is dim, but it is well-maintained.

 Surrounded by neat white wooden houses, both sides of the spacious road are covered with fake flowers.

 He was walking along the path, followed by the sound of neat footsteps, followed by two people in white robes.

 As they walked, the imperial national emblem hanging around their necks swayed slightly.

 This is the secret base of the White Dove Church.

 The further you go, the wider the road becomes.

 When he walked to the center of the air-raid shelter, Gu Yunzhe passed a few stone pillars and saw a statue of a goddess in a long robe.

 That is the god believed by the White Dove Church, and also the mother of the empire.

 A group of believers in white robes gathered in front of the goddess statue, and several little assistants of light balls floated in front of them.

 The person walking in front turned his head and said something to him, and he stopped.

 The ball of light projected a screen in mid-air, and the members of the White Dove Church seemed to be having a meeting across the screen.

 People from the White Pigeon Church have said a lot, probably meaning that they think that Star City has deceived the aliens. Let those guests who come to the empire to kill mistakenly think that they are killing robots or artificial humans.

 Today they borrowed the equipment of the Human League and contacted a group of alien guests who reserved the game, hoping that after they know the truth, they can stop the crime in time.

 The alien language was automatically translated into Imperial language by the little assistant of Renmeng, which sounded mechanically dull.

 The voice of the memory fragment is very noisy, and a bunch of aliens are chatting about it.

 [There is no misunderstanding, we all know that it is a living person, that's what the promotional posters of Star City say. ]

 [#Entertainment Star is built on a defeated country, captured soldiers and people who lost asylum, are the main entertainment equipment. For long-term development, we will transform the people in Entertainment City into transformed people. #]

 [They guarantee 100% live people, and absolutely no fakes. ]

 [I fucking spend a lot of money just to kill real people, just to have a real rape. Fool me with a robot? I have a bunch of them at home, and he and his mother are already tired of playing. ]

 [I don't understand why you want to hold this meeting. The Empire is a defeated country. According to interstellar law, the people of the Empire automatically become slaves of the people of Star City. Why should you consider the feelings of the slaves? ]

 [Why are other planets enslaved, but your empire is special, demanding human rights? If you lose, you lose. ]

 The sound of the chaotic conversation gradually diminished, and when the screen changed, a woman in a white robe appeared in front of Gu Yunzhe.

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