Chapter 181: Finale (4)

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 With the help of his system boss, Chu Shici quickly completed the soul registration and officially became a resident of this high-level world.

 It has been two months since I left the world of punishment.

 Brother Zhe became the new president and was busy dealing with the problems left by the previous president.

 The previous president used all possible means for his own benefit and caused a lot of troubles.

 Split the combat team and imprison the leader of the combat team. As a result, the world's defense power is empty, and invaders from other planes often appear on the edge of the world.

 The laws were changed regardless of public opinion, causing many small worlds to lose control and collapse.

 In order to bring down Shen Lianzhe, he also illegally created a small world and forced Chu Shici into a miserable life.

 These issues need to be dealt with by the new president.

 Shen Lianzhe was so busy that he ran out to work just two days after being gentle with Chu Shici.

 He couldn't spare time, and the wedding was delayed again and again. Brother Zhe felt very guilty about this.

 Chu Shici didn't care about this. It made no difference to him whether they got married or not.

 But Shen Lianzhe was influenced by his parents' ideas. He always felt that when he found his lover, he should register for marriage, get a small book and hold a wedding.

 Unlike Brother Zhe, who was so busy that he never touched the ground, Chu Shici was very free and was still familiar with the new environment. Follow the system all day long to walk around and enjoy life.

 When Chu Shici had enough fun, his boss found him and Shen Lianzhe's residence and discussed future arrangements with him.

 There is a fast travel company under his boss. It wants Chu Shici to continue to be a partner of the system and go to various small worlds to save darkened villains, which can be regarded as giving him a stable job.

 While they were talking, Shen Lianzhe was reading documents nearby.

 Hearing his boss's words, his face darkened, "No."

 The boss didn't understand, [Aci has accompanied you through six worlds and completed tasks well. He can be considered a senior person. He has experience and strength, so you don't have to worry. 】

 Shen Lianzhe didn't explain, just kept a cold face and sulked alone.

 Brother Zhe's expression was very familiar to Chu Shici.

 He poked Shen Lianzhe: "Brother Zhe, don't be jealous. Although I did get along with you during the task of 'rescuing the male protagonist', I won't save one and love the other, so you can relax."

 Shen Lianzhe snorted coldly and turned his head to ignore him.

 The boss was old friends with Shen Lianzhe and knew that he seemed mature and steady, but in fact he liked to act a little bit in front of acquaintances, so he didn't take it seriously.

 It said hello to Chu Shici and took the system out to eat.

 When only he and A Ci were left in the room, the cold and stern aura around Shen Lianzhe suddenly disappeared.

 He hugged Chu Shici's waist and whispered A Ci in his ear.

 Chu Shici patted his back, "It's okay, Brother Zhe, actually I don't think I'm suitable for that job. I have a bad temper. It's okay if I have to save the poor male protagonist. Forget about saving the darkened villain. I'm afraid When I get excited, I will fight with the villain."

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