Chapter 76: The Third World (23)

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 The evil god stood in mid-air, on a huge white body, with a pair of dark eyes staring at the people below.

 He seemed enraged after seeing the wounds on the believer's body.

 Several tentacles popped out of his body in an instant, flying straight down.

 Seeing this scene, Gu Yunzhe quickly relaxed.

 Even the vitality value jumped up a little, to 35.

 Assistant Li's body tensed instantly, and she urged eagerly, "Retreat!"

 Gu Yunzhe was more difficult to deal with than the White Pigeon Church had expected. The fifteen of them together couldn't deal with him quickly.

 After seeing the evil god, Assistant Li wanted to lead the team to leave as soon as possible.

 But Gu Yunzhe, who was still a little physically weak just now, launched a fierce attack on them like a wolf.

 He stared at Assistant Li, not giving her time to open the White Light Gate.

 Assistant Li's arm was cut open, and the blood flowed unstoppably.

 Seeing that the evil god's tentacles had spread to the front, she clasped her hands together: "Separate, don't get together. I will hold Bishop Gu, and you should find a way to leave!"

 Gu Yunzhe has figured out the pattern after fighting against Baige several times.

 When they use Blessing, the more prayers they say, the farther they can teleport.

 If you use it directly without praying, you can throw the target at most ten meters away at a time.

 Although these members all have the blessing of the Mother of the Empire, there is still a big gap in each person's strength.

 Assistant Li just needs to put his hands together. Say the last sentence 'Praise the Goddess', and you can lead the team members to teleport collectively.

 Other members also recite a long prayer.

 Chu Shici's tentacles had come close, and the pigeons scattered and fled. Strips of white light bloomed instantly, and then disappeared quickly.

 Several white lights flickered back and forth in the alley, looking from a distance, it was as festive as setting off firecrackers.

 Seeing two young team members being tightly entangled by tentacles, Assistant Li became a little anxious.

 She blocked Gu Yunzhe's attack, and asked him angrily: "Bishop Gu, I also know that the reincarnation is pitiful, but as long as the aliens are still alive, human beings will confront the reincarnation sooner or later."

 Gu Yunzhe's tone was cold, "The Machinery Association's technological level is no less than that of the Star Alliance, and they have a way to solve the controller."

 Assistant Li's expression became extremely complicated, and even the attack in his hand slowed down: "Can you still find the Machinery Association?"

 During the confrontation with the senior agent during the day, Agent 2011 also asked this question.

 Gu Yunzhe frowned slightly: "What's wrong."

 "What's wrong, isn't the Mechanical Association dead?"

 Assistant Li looked him up and down, "You don't remember?"

 Chu Shici has captured two lucky viewers.

 He turned into a big ball as tall as a person, with two long tentacles trailing behind him.

 The two white pigeon members who were not active enough to run around were tied into rice dumplings by him.

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