Chapter 100: The Fourth World (14)

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 Chu Shici extracted some information from the words of the old monk.

 The monks here are indeed able to subdue demons and demons, and the abbot is one of the eminent monks who subdued snake demons.

 He is probably the only monk in this temple who can suppress the thousand-year-old demon.

 So at the beginning, the monster not only played a trick on Xun Zhe, she also killed two birds with one stone.

 According to the old monk, the monster who manipulated the monk and helped people get pregnant had obvious cracks on his face. She just wanted to eat Xun Zhe's white marble carving essence.

 The monster who captured Xun Zhe five hundred years ago wore a mask, probably to cover the cracks on his face that could not be hidden.

 Chu Shici thought for a while.

 The sun gives birth to the child, and the sun wins the fetus. No matter how you look at it, there is something tricky between the two, and they should be the same person.

 Open two numbers, rely on seizing the fetus to give birth, and put all the evil obstacles into the small number. The trumpet feeds the tuba, achieving the perfect ascension.

 But if they were two people, Dayang Tian hadn't done anything bad, it was Dayang Tian who had a grudge against her. Using her name to do evil, want to kill Dayang Tian with the hands of the snake demon or other monsters?

 This is not impossible.

 He couldn't figure out the logic of it. At present, the probability that they are the same person is 90%, and the remaining 10% is insurance points.

 Chu Shici no longer wants to figure out who is who. In order to prevent scolding the wrong person, their enemy will be called Shi Diao Jing in the future.

 After talking about what happened at Dayang Tianming Temple, the old monk told them about the abortion.

 He has worked for monsters for five hundred years, and he has already memorized the process of taking fetuses by heart.

 After the Stone Carving Spirit took control of Dayang Tianming Temple, the first thing he did was to have them burn four babies to death.

 Both men and women, do not know where she stole it from. None of them were weaned, and they didn't even open their eyes.

 She gave a special kind of wood, said to be the corpse of a dryad.

 Make a fire out of this wood, throw a baby in it, and it'll turn to ashes in no time.

 Take advantage of the convenience of being a monk to attract pilgrims to your door. Choose a man with a pure yang character, and then find a few women with a pure yin character.

 Kill the man and stuff his soul into a breeder or other animal. Kill the beast, mix the blood with the ashes of the baby, put it in the food, and send it to the monster for blessing.

 The ashes are limited, and when they are used up, find a new baby and burn them to ashes.

 The monster manipulated the women, engraved in their minds the obsession to 'give birth to the Sunny Empress', and then fed them processed food.

 These women don't need men when they go back, they can get pregnant by themselves.

 The children they give birth are not under the jurisdiction of the underworld, alive but without souls, just empty shells, and the monsters call them fake fetuses.

 The fake tires are also burned and put into small jars. When couples come to ask for a child, they put their horoscope and clothes under the tree nourished by human blood, and then pour the ashes of the fake fetus into it.

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