Chapter 155: The Sixth World (6)

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 Frightened, Chu Shici couldn't sleep and stayed up until dawn by playing games with the system.

 Ji Huaizhe got up on time at 7:30 the next morning.

 Chu Shici raised his head to observe his expression and said tentatively: "Brother, I heard footsteps last night. There were people eating in the dormitory. Didn't you hear it?"

 Ji Huaizhe paused in changing clothes. He frowned and looked at the little baby beside the pillow: "Say."

 Seeing Brother Zhe's reaction, Chu Shici realized that he knew nothing about this matter.

 He told Ji Huaizhe everything about last night, including what the black shadow said after standing in front of the cabinet eating, and after entering Ji Huaizhe's body.

 Ji Huaizhe stopped changing his clothes, put on a wizard's robe, and cautiously walked to the cabinet with his wand in hand.

 Chu Shici also wanted to see it.

 He grabbed the hem of the wizard's robe and rocked it back and forth with the man's movements.

 Raising his wand and pointing it at the ground, Ji Huaizhe first recited a spell and conducted a simple inspection of the cabinet.

 After making sure there were no poisons or hidden weapons hidden inside, he reached out and opened the cabinet door.

 The cabinet in the corner has not been used for a long time. The old wooden door slowly opened, and the door shaft made a harsh sound.

 There were no windows in the room, and under the candlelight, Chu Shici could barely see what was inside.

 The small cabinet was filled with scrolls and books. There were also several wizard robes in it, all of which were abandoned by Ji Huaizhe.

 Everything seemed normal, but Chu Shici remembered that the black shadow had gone through the cabinets before eating twice.

 He motioned to Brother Zhe to look through it too.

 Ji Huaizhe took out the sundries in the cabinet one by one. When he emptied the cabinet completely, the two of them saw a black hole near the bottom of the cabinet.

 The hole is not big, about the width of two adult male fists.

 Ji Huaizhe leaned over and looked, but couldn't see anything in the cave. He snapped his fingers and created a wisp of flame for illumination.

 But no matter what method he uses, the cave will always be dark. It was as if all the light that shone through would be swallowed up by darkness.

 Chu Shici ran all the way to the back of Ji Huaizhe's hand, stepped on his feet and looked inside.

 The two of them studied it for a long time, but couldn't see anything interesting.

 Finally, Chu Shici made a suggestion and asked Ji Huaizhe to tie a rope around his waist, and he ran directly into the cave to check.

 Chu Shici stood at the entrance of the cave, letting Ji Huaizhe wrap the thread while sighing.

 There might be danger in the cave. He was going to take the risk. Brother Zhe just gave him a complicated look and did not stop him.

 This shows that Brother Zhe only has a slight affection for him, and the baby does not hold much weight in Ji Huaizhe's heart.

 In three months, the witch hunting group will enter the wizard academy, with the knife hanging above their heads. If Ji Huaizhe wants to survive, he can only seize every opportunity to improve his strength.

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