Chapter 72: The Third World (19)

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 Reporter Ai just went to the nearby ten-yuan store for a stroll, and when he came out, he couldn't find the line.

 The shopping mall was in chaos, and the screams and cries made her eardrums hurt.

 She heard several passers-by shouting as they ran, "It's eating people! The monster is eating people!!!"

 Reporter Ai stomped his feet anxiously.

 Along the way, the white evil god behaved harmlessly to humans and animals, and she almost forgot that this thing feeds on humans.

 They shouldn't come to this kind of densely populated shopping mall, where food floats past their eyes one by one, and it's only ghosts that the evil god can't bear it.

 She was about to go over to see what was going on, when a few strange people suddenly appeared in her sight.

 They were wearing white hoodies with extremely low hats and masks.

 The face was almost completely covered, only a pair of eyes and a few strands of white hair protruding from the brim of the hat could be seen.

 When everyone fled in panic, they walked against the flow of people all the way to the center of the commotion.

 These five people behaved strangely, and their intuition told Reporter Ai that they had a problem.

 She hid behind the booth, squinting her eyes to observe secretly.

 The nearby shop assistants have already scared away, and the surrounding area is extremely quiet.

 Reporter Ai held his breath and concentrated, when suddenly there was a rustling sound behind him.

 She turned her head vigilantly, then froze in place.

 In the empty shop, a white light suddenly appeared.

 Several people stepped out of the white light, and the light disappeared.

 They took off the necklace from their necks, held their hands high, and whispered to the place where the white light appeared, "Praise the Goddess."

 Reporter Ai crouched in the corner behind the counter, peeping through the cracks.

 When several people passed by the counter, she saw clearly what the necklace looked like.

 Hands folded hold a candle, the national emblem of the empire.

 Ai Reporter's eyes lit up instantly.

 She has spent more than three years in the last days and knows many things. After the fall of the imperial government, only the White Dove Church still wore the national emblem.

 These are people from the White Pigeon Church, and they are still alive!

 After the end of the world began, the White Dove Church has always been the main force in the human camp. Among the countless organizations, large and small, only it and the Machinery Association successfully recruited the righteous gods.

 She has seen many evil gods, but the righteous gods will not show up, they will only bless them.

 No one knows what blessing means, and reporter Ai has never seen it.

 She felt that the weird white light just now might be the blessing given to the white dove by the mother of the empire.

 Reporter Ai was very excited and wanted to draw the picture where the white light appeared.

 As soon as she took out the pen and paper, the members of the White Dove Church who had gone away suddenly left and returned.

 They stopped in front of the counter and looked at the reporter who was hiding in it.

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