Chapter 164: The Sixth World (15)

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 After the door was violently broken open by Ji Huaizhe, Lilith almost cried out of fear when she looked at his expressionless face.

 Staring at those scarlet eyes that symbolized death and disaster, she even forgot to take her wand and hid under the quilt in a panic.

 Lilith didn't survive the witch hunt, she was just an ordinary flower girl.

 After the academy was built, an old wizard who was out on business discovered her talent as a wizard.

 According to tradition, the family members who killed her made a pot of broth for her, which Lilith drank before being led back to the academy.

 She has been at the academy since becoming a wizard's apprentice.

 She didn't have much practical experience and was completely beaten by Ji Huaizhe.

 Chu Shici discovered one thing in the past few worlds. Brother Zhe had no so-called gentlemanly demeanor when it came to fighting, and he would not show mercy at all.

 No matter whether the person opposite is a man or a woman, as long as it is not his wife, he will hit her without fail.

 The fight lasted only half a minute, and Lilith was beaten to tears.

 She never thought this would happen to her.

 The school bastard, who was open to all boys and girls in the school, came to her door in the middle of the night, covered her mouth, and dragged her to the woods of the school.

 She even thought that Ji Huaizhe was plotting against her.

 In the end, Ji Huaizhe didn't touch her. He just took out a ruby-encrusted dagger, put it against her neck, and threatened her to take him to the orc tribe.

 Nowadays, the royal family of Saint Sherry is still issuing witch hunting bounties. The Wizard Academy, located deep in the Alya Mountains, is the last safe zone for wizards.

 In Lilith's understanding, as a wizard, Ji Huaizhe could not leave the wizard academy on his own initiative.

 In view of his love for the dog people, Lilith thought that he might have wanted to go to the orc tribe and touch the dog people on a whim.

 This primeval forest has tall trees and thick fog. The moonlight cannot pass through the dense leaves, and it is pitch black no matter day or night.

 Strange calls are heard from time to time in the forest, reminding visitors to be alert at all times as danger may appear around them at any time.

 The atmosphere was too depressing, and Lilith was a little scared.

 She couldn't figure out what Ji Huaizhe was thinking, and asked with a trembling voice: "If you want to see the dog people, why don't you go during the day tomorrow? What are you carrying on your back? Is it dog food for the dog people?"

 No one paid any attention to her embarrassing little joke.

 Lilith stopped talking and walked forward tremblingly.

 After walking for a long time, the little baby who had been sitting quietly on Ji Huaizhe's shoulder suddenly asked her: "How is the vice principal?"

 "He's dead. He was eaten by the shadow."

 Chu Shici thought for a while, "Do you often sneak out of the Wizarding Academy and go for walks nearby?"

 With the knife on her neck, Lilith did not dare to lie and admitted that she had been to many places around her and almost visited the entire depths of the Erya Mountains.

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