Chapter 67: The Third World (14)

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 It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning when Chu Shici recharged.

 They moved early today, leaving enough time to leave the city.

 He has been waiting in the watch for more than half an hour. For some reason, Gu Yunzhe has not let him out.

 The system poked its head out to help him see the situation outside.

 [The hero is chatting with the reporter. 】

 Chu Shici didn't quite understand, 'Love reporters? Brother Zhe didn't leave the air-raid shelter? '

 [Already left, they are in a black car. Your Brother Zhe is driving, and Reporter Ai is in the co-pilot. Let me see, um... it should be driving out of the city now. 】

 Ever since Gu Yunzhe used the perfect man trick, loving reporters is like pouring beans, asking what to say and what to say. When he saw him, his eyes were dodged and his face was flushed.

 Chu Shici recalled the reaction of loving the reporter last night, and pursed his lips uncomfortably.

 He poked at the system, 'brother, what are they talking about behind my back. '

 [It is Ai Reporter who unilaterally speaks to show his own value. She said that in the past three years, she has acquired a lot of information. Basically, the stronghold of each faction has seen many monsters, and it is a living encyclopedia. 】

 The system paused for a while, 【She can unlock, as long as it is a lock, she can unlock it. Let the hero take her with her, so it will be convenient for her to go wherever she wants in the future. 】

 Chu Shici didn't know how to pick the door and lock. He pulled out the skills of loving reporters and compared them with himself.

 He was not very happy that there was no winner.

 Chu Shici found a book on the bookshelf of the system called "Maintaining a Normal Mind"

 The pages of the book rattled, and his eyes were a little blank.

 The system came back joltingly, 【The hero seems to be quite satisfied with her. 】

 Chu Shici closed the book and smiled gently, "I also think she's pretty good, she's a talent." '

 He picked up the black tea and poured it into his mouth.

 The system hissed, 【That's an empty cup, what are you drinking, the emperor's new tea. 】

 Chu Shici was dragged out.

 This felt very familiar to him, someone woke up the little assistant.

 When he came out, the car was parked on the side of the road, and Gu Yunzhe was standing under a nearby big tree.

 Reporter Ai was eating bread in the co-pilot, peeking out from time to time.

 Chu Shici leaned in the male lead's arms, looked up and waited for him to announce the news.

 Gu Yunzhe caressed the white ball body, and roughly talked about the skills of loving a press conference.

 Then he lowered his eyes and said seriously, "Reporter Ai wants to join the team, what do you think?"

 The direction of the topic was different from what was expected, Chu Shici was taken aback, "Why did you ask me specifically?"

 "Why didn't I ask you."

 "After all, theoretically speaking, I am your little assistant. Do you still need to ask me about the recruiting of the team?"

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