Chapter 90: The Fourth World (4)

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 Before going out, Xun Zhe told him to go back when the sun went down. Chu Shici remembered it very clearly.

 But it got dark too fast today.

 Chu Shici was strolling outside during the day, saw the sun was westward, and started to fly back. Just halfway through the flight, it was completely dark.

 The sun seemed to be rushing to get off work, it swished down, and there was no time for people to prepare.

 The system had a great time playing the game, Chu Shici only looked at the sky and didn't look at the clock just now.

 He glanced casually, only to realize that it was already half past eight in the evening.

 Five minutes ago, the sky was bright and there was an endless stream of pilgrims.

 In just a few minutes, the temple changed from a bustling crowd to a deathly silence, and everyone left before they knew it.

 Tonight's wind carried an inexplicable coldness, and the woman's cry became more and more clear.

 Chu Shici felt that someone was staring at him, and there was more than one person.

 What made him even more uneasy was that those people seemed to be approaching constantly.

 The little lotus drank enough water to bask in the sun, was patted twice by the owner and began to fly desperately.

 I don't know if it was Chu Shici's illusion, but the way back seemed to be longer.

 Fly slowly towards the sky, and you can reach the cave in half an hour. Flying hard today, from 8:30 to 9:00, I didn't see the shadow of the cave.

 He looked around and touched the lotus to signal it to stop.

 The system noticed something abnormal, put down the game console and looked out, [What's wrong, my treasure? 】

 'Before I only remembered that I had to go back when it was dark, I just looked at the sky and didn't look at the time, but I was overshadowed by people. After eight o'clock, there are so many pilgrims. The people I saw just now must be hallucinations. '

 Chu Shici took off the rosary and bowed his body vigilantly, "I can't get out now, maybe I encountered the ghosts that often hit the wall in novels." '

 I was chased and beaten by ghosts in my dream last night, and I was still chased and beaten by ghosts in reality today.

 Fear turned into fear, and Chu Shici's petulant temper broke out.

 Since his sudden death and time travel, he has never been stepped on and bullied again.

 Chu Shici rolled up his sleeves and swished the rosary, "What kind of skill is it to bully me, a young wooden man who has just grown up? If you have the ability, go and beat me, Brother Zhe!"

 The system can't stand this kind of stimulation, [Will it anger them, or run away. 】

 'Brother, I wanted to run too, but I flew back and forth for nearly an hour, circling in circles all the time. This is obviously using some method to trap me, and I can't do it without fighting. '

 [Then can you beat it? 】

 'Definitely can't beat it. '

 Chu Shici summed up an experience in those years when he was a gangster.

 No matter how timid you are in your heart, you must never show timidity on your mouth. It may not necessarily act as a deterrent to the enemy, but it can embolden yourself.

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