Chapter 47: The Second World (12)

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 Chu Shici also wanted to receive a bonus, but according to Xiao Mao Mao, it was at least 100,000.

 One hundred thousand is not a small amount in this day and age, but he is not a human being, so he cannot come forward to receive the money.

 He refused with tears, saying that he did not leave his name behind for his good deeds.

 Kitty Maomao took it seriously and praised him for a long time.

 In 'Princess's Crystal Castle', the group owner, administrator and most of the group members went offline collectively. There is a person with a police head inside, who is teaching ideological education to children.

 After chatting with Chu Shici, Kitty Maomao posted a new update.

 【#Today I went out to catch fish with my uncles, very happy. Caught a lot of fish, cats like to catch fish the most! #]

 After a while, it disappeared under his nose again.

 Chu Shici thought for a while, and sent a private message, 【Did you get scolded for posting? 】

 Sweetheart Kitten: [Alas. 】

 It is estimated that fishing is not allowed during working hours, and the head of the kitten is dimmed.

 When Chu Shici was listening to the legal education class in the "Princess's Crystal Castle", Mingzhe was filling out the form seriously.

 Dr. Chen is ordinary in appearance, plainly dressed, and has a bookish look about him. He was thin and bald on the top of his head.

 Although the image is plain, but the temperament is very good. When meeting him for the first time, one would think that this is probably an easy-going high-level intellectual.

 Mingzhe could feel Dr. Chen's eyes on him all the time.

 Peaceful, non-aggressive eyes that put him at ease a little.

 Mingzhe handed over the form, and Dr. Chen checked it carefully, then frowned after a while and murmured: "Severe depression."

 Chu Shici was listening to the Internet Police's legal education, and went to the background of the system to check.

 The hero's current vitality is 55 points.

 According to his experience, this kind of person belongs to the category of getting rid of mental illness and basically living a normal life.

 At most, people are a little sad.

 I don't know if it's because the generation gap between him and Mingzhe is too big to understand the child's complicated thoughts, or if Dr. Chen made a misdiagnosis.

 Chu Shici searched the Internet for Dr. Chen from the Third Hospital of R Province.

 Found the basic information of Dr. Chen.

 Male, 33 years old, expert in child psychology. The following is his academic qualifications and achievements. A long section is dazzling.

 Chu Shici propped his chin.

 This man is professional and knows more than him. It may be that there are too few samples, and the set of vitality value theory he summed up is not rigorous enough.

 Dr. Chen began to prescribe medicine to Mingzhe and offered regular psychological counseling.

 He said that he would stay in City Z for a month, and during this month, he would give Mingzhe psychological counseling twice a week.

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