Chapter 122: The Fifth World (10)

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 Chu Shici still didn't understand what the four animals represented.

 But the markings on the door are made using stickers rather than being directly carved or painted. This shows that the people locked in the room are not necessarily a certain group of people.

 The dog sticker may have been affixed later, and the neighbor across the door who was taken away earlier may represent another animal.

 There are too few clues now, and Chu Shici is not sure about the relationship between the 'dog' and the police.

 When ordinary people go missing, there is a possibility that family members conceal the report or no one reports the case. If a serving police officer goes missing, the police department will know the news immediately.

 According to the information overheard on the phone before, this group of people arrested several people who were suitable to be 'dogs'.

 But in Chu Shici's daily morning news, there was no news about a large number of missing police officers.

 Some clues can also be seen from the reaction of Officer Li at the opposite door.

 When he was first imprisoned, he was very excited and kept yelling at those people. There was only anger in his words.

 After being imprisoned, he tried to communicate with other imprisoned people nearby. There was confusion and confusion in his words.

 Even if the police department suppressed the news and did not tell the outside world about the disappearance of many police officers. In order to prevent other people in the bureau from having an accident, some information will be revealed privately.

 For example, 'Something happened recently, someone targeted the police, please be careful. '

 'Try to go back with your colleagues, don't walk alone at night, and be sure to lock the doors and windows. '

 Give some hints so that they can be on guard.

 Officer Li, who was sitting opposite the door, looked obviously confused.

 It was as if he had never thought that this would happen before. He had no idea and no psychological preparation.

 This is nothing more than three explanations.

 These people arrested police officers who had retired for many years, and no one noticed that they were missing in a short period of time.

 If we can really get the information of so many retired police officers, then there is probably a traitor in the organization.

 In the room opposite is a fake policeman who has other purposes for pretending to be a policeman.

 After all, he just shouted "I am a policeman" verbally. Through the iron door, I couldn't see whether he was wearing a police uniform and whether he had any ID.

 There may be missing police officers, but not many, one or two at most.

 The situation is not serious and does not pose a threat to the lives of other police officers. In order not to cause panic, ordinary police officers were not informed for the time being.

 Chu Shici opened the memo and looked at it.

 Brother Liu, the fat steward, had called someone earlier, and he remembered what the person on the phone said.

 [A lot of dogs died some time ago. Bring some stronger dogs over. 】

 Chu Shici's long, white fingers tapped on 'many' and 'several'.

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