Chapter 141: The Fifth World (29)

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 In a country in this world, after announcing that it would combine holographic technology with a new entertainment prison, this prison also received a holographic cabin issued by the government.

 The prison enters its second stage, transitioning from reality to virtuality.

 While prisons are changing the law to make money, the outside world is also constantly changing.

 Since the new entertainment law came into being, it has attracted a large number of opponents.

 After a series of death row inmates could not bear the torture, suffered mental breakdowns during the live broadcast, and resorted to extreme means to self-harm, the number of opponents began to rise rapidly.

 Scholars and experts from all sides also began to take sides, the contradictions intensified, and the conflict became more serious.

 Even if this is just a world generated by a novel, the indigenous people in it are not all fools.

 Some people directly lifted the fig leaf and said that this is a game for the rich. No matter what it is, once it is linked to money, trouble will definitely arise.

 She took out the data and found that the total number of missing persons in the country in recent years was more than the previous ten years combined. After the implementation of the new entertainment law, the number of missing persons increased sharply.

 There must be some prisons doing illegal business behind the scenes, and she asked the state to conduct a thorough investigation.

 At the same time, he asked why the moral school only eats and does not spit out. A school enrolls thousands of students a year, but only one or two people come out.

 Where have the other students gone? How are their moral reforms going? Why has there been no news?

 This woman is Dr. Sun's mother and one of the founders of Dr. Sun's organization.

 Not long after, the driver was drunk and the woman died on the spot.

 Dr. Sun can be regarded as inheriting the mantle and completing the unfinished business of his mother.

 Her mother is not a special person, she is just a retired policewoman. She took care of Officer Li in the police station, and when her apprentice disappeared, she didn't catch the prisoner until she retired.

 In the beginning, the organization was just a gathering of people who had lost relatives and friends to help each other find their families. Eventually, there were more and more people, and it gradually grew in size.

 Confirming that missing persons and the new entertainment law can be reconciled, this group of people was completely outraged.

 They made a big fuss and attracted social attention, but it was limited to causing heated discussions on the Internet.

 The real turning point was when the corpse-hiding case in the trash can a few years ago finally came to light.

 The deceased was a policeman, and the person who killed him was a former death row prisoner.

 The crime of the death row prisoner was to kill all the neighbors, a couple and two children, all of which were chopped into pieces by him.

 When he defended himself, he said that he had been molested by his neighbor's father and son for a long time when he was a child. They subjected him to emotional abuse and endless verbal humiliation.

 The other two mothers and daughters not only did not stop it, but also helped to cover it up. Until he became an adult, they continued to threaten him with forced videos and asked him to give them 10,000 yuan a month.

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